Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        Huawei ‘Imagine  Wi-Fi  7’  Innovative Application  Contest  Launched  in

        Partnership with IEEE UAE Section

        As Wi-Fi  becomes an inevitable  part  of
        individuals  and  businesses,  the  new
        generation  of Wi-Fi  promises  limitless
        opportunities  for  end  consumers and
        businesses.  Recognizing  the  critical  role
        of Wi-Fi in shaping the future, the Institute
        of Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers
        (IEEE) UAE Section  and  Huawei have
        joined forces to launch the groundbreaking
        Huawei  ‘Imagine  Wi-Fi  7’  Innovative
        Application  Contest.  This  collaborative
        initiative  invites  ICT  practitioners  across
        the Middle East and Central Asia (ME&CA)
        to share  innovative  ideas  and  explore  the
        best  implementation  scenarios  for the
        latest Wi-Fi generation—Wi-Fi 7. Wi-Fi 7, the
        successor to Wi-Fi 6, promises unparalleled
        advancements  that  redefine  wireless
        communication.  It  boasts  an  impressive   presented  by the  IEEE  UAE Section and   values.  Our joint  effort  with  customers
        data transmission rate approximately three   Huawei.  The  top  three  winners  will  also   will  contribute  to  industry  innovation  and
        times faster than its predecessor, ensuring   enjoy an exclusive invitation to the Huawei   elevate  Wi-Fi  7  as  the  new  benchmark
        seamless  connectivity for  streaming 4K   Tech Carnival Tour in Baku, Azerbaijan, in   for wireless  connectivity."  As  the  world's
        and 8K videos, engaging in VR experiences,   May 2024. Dr. Eesa M. Al Bastaki, honorary   first  vendor  to  launch  an  enterprise  Wi-
        or facilitating remote office work. Moreover,   Chair  of IEEE UAE Section,  President  of   Fi  7  solution,  Huawei's  commitment to
        advanced  techniques  such  as  multi-link   University of Dubai, said, "IEEE and Huawei   advancing WLAN standards is unmatched.
        operation,  multi-AP  coordination,  and   have  a  proud tradition  of joint  efforts   Ranked  No. 1  in  cumulative contributions
        coordinated  scheduling  between  access   to elevate  ICT  as  the  foundation  for a   to both WLAN standards  and  Wi-Fi  7
        points  (APs)  significantly  reduce  latency,   connected  world.  We  are  proud to join   standards,  Huawei  has  solidified  its
        enhancing  real-time  communication and   Huawei again in co-organizing the ‘Imagine   position  as  the  world's  Wi-Fi  7  leader.
        responsiveness.  The  transition  to Wi-Fi  7   Wi-Fi 7’ competition, which aims to unlock   Notably,  Huawei  was  named  a  leader
        heralds a new era of connectivity, promising   the potential of next-generation Wi-Fi. Our   in  the  2024  Gartner®  Magic  Quadrant™
        substantial benefits for wireless networks.   members are  excited  with  the  Wi-Fi  7's   for Enterprise  Wired  and  Wireless  LAN
        In the Middle East and Central Asia (ME&CA)   potential, as it heralds a new era in wireless   Infrastructure and  received the  "Best
        region,  the  Wi-Fi  7  wireless  campus   connectivity  when  demand  for new   Enterprise  Wi-Fi  Network 2023"  Award  at
        network  upgrade  alone  is  projected  to   experiences  is  at  an  all-time  high."  Shunli   the  Wireless  Broadband  Alliance (WBA)
        unleash a billion-dollar market opportunity.   Wang,  Vice  President  of Huawei  Middle   Industry Awards 2023. The Wi-Fi 7 era has
        Huawei, the industry's first Wi-Fi 7 provider,   East & Central Asia, said, “Huawei is grateful   officially  dawned,  with  the  Wi-Fi  Alliance
        stands at the forefront of this technological   for the invaluable support extended by IEEE   releasing the Wi-Fi 7 certification standard.
        revolution.  The  Huawei  ‘Imagine  Wi-Fi   UAE Section  and  the  University  of Dubai   Huawei's  pioneering  efforts  position  it
        7’  Innovative  Application  Contest  will   for the  Imagine  Wi-Fi  7  content.  We  are   as  the  trailblazer  for this  transformative
        help  accelerate  Wi-Fi  7  adoption across   confident that the Imagine Wi-Fi 7 program   technology.  As  Wi-Fi  7  gains  momentum,
        ME&CA.  The  contest  invites  customers,   will inspire creative thinking and lead to the   Huawei remains  steadfast  in  shaping  the
        partners,  research institutes,  universities,   development  of innovative  applications   future  of wireless  connectivity. Huawei
        and  analysts  to actively  explore  Wi-Fi  7’s   that explore how Wi-Fi 7 could revolutionize   continuously promotes the  application
        application  scenarios  and  unique  values   our professional,  personal,  and  cognitive   of the  Wi-Fi  7  standard  technology  in
        for businesses and societies. By fostering   spheres.” Faisal Ameer Malik, CTO, Huawei   the  enterprise  market.  This  enables
        proactive innovation, this concerted effort   Enterprise  Business  Group ME&CA,  said,   a continuous upgrade  of customers'
        swiftly  elevates  industry awareness  and   "At Huawei, we are committed to advancing   network  experience  in  many  sectors,
        acceptance of Wi-Fi 7. Participants will share   WLAN standards  and  shaping  the  future   including  education, healthcare, retail,
        their  ideas  through video submissions,   of wireless  connectivity. As the industry's   manufacturing, and more. The ‘Imagine Wi-
        aligning  with  the  ease  of digital  life.  The   leading Wi-Fi 7 provider, we are excited to   Fi 7’ contest is part of the company's vision
        ’Imagine  Wi-Fi  7’  contest  winners  will  be   launch the Imagine Wi-Fi 7 contest, which   to build the industry ecosystem by driving
        celebrated  as Wi-Fi  7  pioneers, receiving   encourages  proactive  exploration  of  Wi-  innovation and openly collaborating with all
        prestigious awards and certificates jointly   Fi  7's  application  scenarios  and  unique   stakeholders for shared success.

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