Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 33


        China Mobile International and Batelco Announce Partnership at Capacity
        Middle East 2024

        In a landmark move, China Mobile Interna-
        tional Limited (CMI) and  Batelco (Bahrain
        Telecommunications  Company) part  of
        the Beyon group, have proudly announced
        a partnership  at  the  prestigious  Capaci-
        ty  Middle  East  2024  held  in  Dubai,  UAE.
        During  the  event,  a  Memorandum of Un-
        derstanding  (MoU)  was  signed  by  CMI
        Middle  East  Managing  Director  Alex  Lee
        and  Batelco  Chief  Global  Business  Offi-
        cer Hani  Askar.  This  collaboration  marks
        a pivotal  step  in  the  telecommunications
        industry, signifying  a  joint  effort  between
        two leading companies in their respective
        regions. CMI and Batelco have committed
        to enhancing  cooperation  in  several  key
        areas,  including international  connectivity,
        roaming  services,  and  Internet  Protocol   simultaneously  investing  in  cutting-edge   services and connectivity, and its portfolio
        Television  (IPT),  among others.  Alex  Lee,   digital infrastructure, including subsea ca-  of digital business solutions spans global
        Managing  Director of CMI  Middle  East,   ble  systems  and  advanced  data  centers.   connectivity, global infrastructure, internet,
        expressed his optimism about the partner-  These initiatives are taken to enhance the   cloud  connectivity, hosting,  and carrier
        ship, stating, “This collaboration with Batel-  region’s network resilience, data exchange   voice  and  mobility  services.  The  Compa-
        co is a crucial milestone for us at CMI. We   and internet connectivity.” CMI has invested   ny’s 31+ points-of-presence are geograph-
        are excited to combine our strengths to en-  heavily in the Middle East region to connect   ically distributed and provide the lowest la-
        hance the telecommunications landscape,   carriers to a reliable, scalable, and resilient   tency to the region, MENA, and Europe. Key
        ensuring  better  connectivity  and  innova-  network via its extensive global infrastruc-  constituents of Batelco’s expansive global
        tive solutions for our customers globally.”   ture. Currently, CMI has 80 cable resources   business portfolio include Global Zone, the
        Echoing this sentiment, Batelco Chief Glob-  and 230+ PoPs globally, with international   carrier-neutral  transit  zone, Manama-IX,
        al Business Officer, Hani Askar, remarked,   transmission bandwidth of over 145T. As a   the internet traffic exchange platform, and
        “Joining forces with CMI is a pivotal step   trusted  partner  that  provides  comprehen-  Batelco  Global Network (BGN),  Batelco’s
        for Batelco  in  extending  our international   sive international information services and   fully owned and managed diverse terrestri-
        reach  and  capabilities.  This  partnership   solutions to international enterprises, carri-  al cable system. This alliance between CMI
        signifies our commitment to providing top-  ers and mobile users, CMI develops diversi-  and Batelco is expected to pave the way for
        notch services and staying at the forefront   fied 5G solutions for industry applications,   groundbreaking advancements in the tele-
        of the telecommunications sector.” “Batel-  provide high  quality, all-round and  innova-  communications  industry,  benefiting  cus-
        co recognizes  the  importance  of  forging   tive 5G services to our customers. Batelco   tomers and stakeholders across the globe.
        partnerships  with  industry leaders  while   is the leading provider of innovative digital

        China Mobile International and Mobily Forge Alliance to Elevate Market


        In a significant development for the global   the  market  with  innovative solutions   leveraging  advancements  in  technology
        telecommunications industry, China Mobile   and  enhanced  services  for customers   and infrastructure to meet the  ever-
        International  Limited  (CMI)  and  Etihad   across  their  respective regions.  The   increasing demands of digital consumers.
        Etisalat  Company (Mobily)  have  entered   collaboration  is  set  to focus on elevating   Representatives from both CMI and Mobily
        into  an  interconnection  agreement  at   carrier services  and  delivering  innovative   have expressed their enthusiasm about this
        Capacity  Middle  East  2024  in  Dubai,  UAE   solutions  directly  to  customers, tapping   new  venture,  highlighting  its  potential  to
        on 6  February 2024.  This  partnership   into the vast potential of both companies'   not only enhance service offerings but also
        represents  a  monumental  commitment   technological  and  service capabilities.  By   to lead  the  way  in  digital  transformation
        from two of the  telecommunications   improving  carrier services,  the  alliance   efforts within the industry. CMI's iConnect
        sector's giants to combine their strengths   intends to offer a more seamless, efficient,   ONE (Omni Network Enablement) serves as
        and  capabilities,  aiming  to revolutionize   and  enriched  customer  experience,  a comprehensive platform that streamlines

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