Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        with  manufacturers  on features  allowing   Potter said, in  contrast  to voice calls,   Roark  agreed  on  flexibility  being  superior
        consumers to report  text  as  junk  when   which are  more  tightly  regulated  and   to regulation,  although  the  Commission
        deleting messages, which Potter said has   required  FCC  intervention  for providers   is  moving  forward  with  its  proceeding  on
        provided  extra  data  to  tune  spam  filters.   to block. “I’m concerned about that being   more  expansive  text  authentication  rules.
        “We start from a standpoint of maximum   taken  away, or perhaps  regulation  being   The proposed rules include requiring more
        flexibility  when  it  comes  to  messaging,”   something  of a  distraction,”  she  said.   providers on the traffic chain to block texts
                                                                                 from  numbers  flagged  as  scammers  by
                                                                                 the FCC and requiring measurers to verify
                                                                                 the identity of texters, similar to the STIR/
                                                                                 SHAKEN system for caller authentication.
                                                                                 The FCC is also taking comments on how
                                                                                 AI  factors  into  robocalls  and  robotexts,
                                                                                 both how it’s used to perpetrate them and
                                                                                 how the Commission  might  use  AI tools
                                                                                 to combat  them. At  a  House  oversight
                                                                                 hearing  in  November, FCC  Chairwoman
                                                                                 Jessica  Rosenworcel  asked  Congress
                                                                                 for  the  authority  to  collect  the  fines  the
                                                                                 Commission imposes – a job currently left
                                                                                 to the DOJ – and access to more financial
                                                                                 information  to help  the  agency’s  robocall
                                                                                 prevention efforts.

                                             Avaya is Named to the Aragon Research Globe™
                                             for Intelligent Contact Centers (ICC) Report Fifth
                                             Consecutive Year

        Avaya, a global leader  in  customer  expe-  social  messaging  –delivering  effortless   agents  can  now  leverage  advanced  func-
        rience  solutions, announced it  has  been   experiences for customers and employees   tionalities including a personalized unified
        named for the fifth consecutive year as a   at  every touchpoint – bringing  together   WebRTC desktop. They can embrace digital
        Leader in The Aragon Research Globe™ for   teams, resources, and insights to maximize   channels from the cloud, giving their cus-
        Intelligent Contact Centers (ICC) 2024, for   contact center performance  and  experi-  tomers a channel of choice to contact them
        the  Avaya Experience Platform™  with  AI   ences. AI is increasingly being leveraged in   – all without altering existing call flows –
        transforming the contact center powering   the contact center with GenAI being used   and  can  easily  add  the  technologies  they
        virtual agents and enhancing the custom-  to build virtual agents, some of whom are   need  to drive  better  business  outcomes.
        er experience. According to the report, au-  working alongside  human  agents  to pro-  “Avaya’s multi-cloud approach, reinvigorat-
        thored by Aragon Research CEO and Lead   vide call assistance. “Avaya’s API-first strat-  ed  leadership  team, and  refreshed  prod-
        Analyst  Jim  Lundy, while  demand  for the   egy enables us to bolster connectivity with   ucts make  the  company  one  to watch,"
        modern  contact center is  here, the  race   third-party applications such as those used   said Jim Lundy, CEO and Founder, Aragon
        has only just begun for intelligence within   to build virtual agents while paving the way   Research.  The  Aragon Research Globe  is
        it. “Contact centers have become not only   for a more integrated and flexible ecosys-  a market  evaluation  tool that  graphically
        cost  centers  but  experience  centers  with   tem and delivering an enhanced customer   depicts  Aragon Research’s  evaluation  of
        AI becoming one of the primary technolo-  experience,” said Jay Patel,  Global  Vice   a specific market and its component ven-
        gies to enable better experiences through   President of Product Management, Avaya.   dors. Aragon Research examined 15 major
        the  use  of GenAI,”  said  Lundy.  Avaya  Ex-  Avaya innovation supports  organizations’   providers in  a market  that  focuses on all
        perience  Platform enables  an  intelligent   existing  infrastructure  and  journey to the   forms of collaboration and communication
        contact center for organizations to quickly   cloud. With Avaya, organizations can trans-  based on its three dimensions that enable
        and  easily  layer-on  innovative  cloud  tech-  form their  on-premises  communications   comparative evaluation of the participants
        nologies delivering an experience that pro-  and contact center capabilities through hy-  in a given market. “Leaders” are noted as
        vides  their  end-users  with  more  options,   brid cloud deployments so they can expe-  having comprehensive strategies that align
        faster responses, and a more personalized   rience technology innovation without busi-  with industry direction and market demand
        approach. This AI-powered solution allows   ness disruption. Organizations can quickly   and perform effectively against those strat-
        organizations  to interact  with  customers   improve both customer and employee ex-  egies.
        on channels of their choice – chat, email,   periences, as Avaya Call Center Elite voice

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