Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 53


        Nokia Helps Telia Denmark Achieve Superior Network Performance

        Nokia  announced  that  its  network
        technology and services have helped Telia
        Denmark achieve the number one position
        for network performance – placing it ahead
        of the competition - in recent independent
        drive  testing  in  the  country’s  four largest
        cities. The tests assessed the quality of the
        country's  mobile  radio  network  coverage
        and  were  performed  by  umlaut,  part  of
        Accenture, an industrial and organizational
        advisory research and  benchmarking
        firm.  Nokia  provides  Telia  Denmark
        with  equipment  from its  latest  energy-
        efficient  5G  AirScale  portfolio  as  well  as
        core network and managed operations   position  in  umlaut’s  recent  survey and   MIMO antennas to deliver enhanced ultra-
        support,  which  has  strengthened  Telia's   that  is  a  testament  to  a  lot  of  hard  work   fast, low-latency, and high-capacity mobile
        network performance  and  enabled  the   and  cooperation.”  Tommi  Uitto,  President   broadband  services  to Denmark’s  four
        company  to drive  better  service  delivery   of Mobile  Networks  at  Nokia  said:  “High-  largest  cities.  Nokia’s  support  for  Telia’s
        outcomes for its  customers. Nokia  is   performance  radio  networks  are  the   core  network  includes  providing  its  high-
        the  exclusive  supplier  of  5G  RAN  (Radio   key to delivering an outstanding mobile   performance  Cloud  Packet  Core,  robust
        Access Network) to TTN, the joint network   user  experience.  We  take  great  pride  in   Subscriber  Data  Management,  and  data
        of Telenor and Telia in Denmark, covering   helping  Telia  achieve this  success  with   consolidation  in  the  Shared Data  Layer.
        more  than  4,300  sites  and  serving  over   our  market-leading  AirScale  portfolio   Nokia also provided end-to-end optimization
        three million subscribers nationwide. Nokia   and  efficiencies  enabled  by  Managed   services to maintain  premium network
        is also providing its Cloud Packet Core and   Operations.  The  combined  strength  of   performance.  Nokia  Managed  Operations
        Registers in order to deliver advanced 5G   the RAN and Core products and Managed   support for  Telia  Denmark included
        services, as well as the network flexibility,   Operations we provide to Telia have really   performing network  analysis  and  then
        scale,  and  performance  to  allow  Telia   helped  them  to get  the  best  out of their   mapping  improvement  areas,  particularly
        Denmark  to meet  its  customer demands.   network. We look forward to continuing this   in the areas of voice and data. Nokia and
        Daniel  Askeroth,  CTO  at  Telia  Denmark   important  partnership  and  strengthening   Telia  Denmark tested  and  implemented
        said: “The Telia Denmark and Nokia teams   Telia’s  position  as  Denmark’s  best  changes, driving efficiencies through AI and
        have done  a superb job optimizing  the   network.”  Nokia  provided  TTN  with  a  full   quality  methodologies  that  led  to across-
        performance  of  Telia  Denmark’s  network   network deployment  including strategic   the-board  network  quality  enhancements.
        in  order  to provide  our customers with   design,  planning,  RAN  optimization,  and   With  customers  in  55  countries,  Nokia
        important  service delivery improvements.   implementation.  This  included products   Managed Operations supports more than 1
        These  very positive outcomes  are also   from  its  latest  energy-efficient  AirScale   billion subscribers globally in multi-vendor
        reflected in Telia Denmark’s No. 1 network   product  portfolio  including  5G  Massive   network environments.

        Nokia Introduces New Wavence Microwave Solutions to Extend the Reach
        of 5G Deployments in Both Urban and Rural Environments

        Nokia  today announced the  availability   three-foot antenna that combats common   energy  efficiency  with  twice  the  transmit
        of the UBT-m XP, the latest addition to its   E-Band  issues,  which  include  tower   power  compared to the  industry average.
        award-winning  Wavence  product  family   vibrations and movements due to thermal   In  recent  tests,  Nokia  demonstrated  a
        designed  to support  mobile  operators   effects. Combined with the UBT-m XP, it can   12-kilometer-long  link  using  the  Nokia
        and enterprises with premium coverage in   increase the typical E-Band link distance by   UBT-m  XP  and  the  SteadEband  antenna.
        both dense urban and rural environments.   up to 50 percent, helping mobile operators   Nokia  also  announced the  launch  of the
        Nokia’s  newest  E-Band  radio  is  a high-  deliver multi-gigabit 5G connectivity to their   Outdoor  Channel  Aggregator  (OCA)  to
        capacity  outdoor  unit  with  a  small,  light   customers.  These  new  products  address   support mobile operators looking to expand
        form factor and the highest transmit power   all use cases for improving link distance as   the  reach  and  capacity  of their  networks
        available  on  the  market;  ideal  for urban   well as the energy efficiency of the Wavence   for rural  broadband  applications.  The
        microwave transport applications.  It is   portfolio.  The  UBT-m  XP  is  a  single  ultra-  OCA aggregates multiple UBT-T XP radios,
        joined  in  an  industry  first  by  the  launch   broadband transceiver with  an  integrated   Nokia’s high-capacity, high-power, outdoor
        of  the  Nokia  SteadEband,  a  stabilized   modem and diplexer, offering best-in-class   dual-band  radio,  for  N+0  operations  and

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