Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Stride to 5.5G era, extending business frontiers

        At   MWC   Barcelona   2023,   Huawei
        showcases  leading  technologies,  new
        business  opportunities,  and  industry
        progress  in  the  5.5G  era.  The  company
        aims  to work  with  carriers and industry
        partners  around  the  world to further  the
        evolution  of  ICT  infrastructure,  lay  the
        foundation  for  the  5.5G  era,  and  build
        on  the  success  of  5G  for  even  greater
        prosperity.  At  the  event,  Huawei  presents
        five major characteristics of the 5.5G era:
        10  Gbit/s  experience,  all-scenario  IoT,
        integrated  sensing  and  communication,
        Level  4  autonomous  driving  network,  and
        green  ICT.  Technological  innovation  in
        the 5.5G era will bring operators a 10-fold
        increase  in  network  performance  over  5G
        in terms of speeds, connections, accuracy
        and  reliability,  efficiency,  and  intelligence.   higher capacity and coverage, making it a   era, but in the 5.5G era, services with both
        5.5G can help operators open up five new   prime choice for carriers pursuing deeper   immersive and interactive experiences will
        business  frontiers  and  drive  a  100-fold   5G  coverage.  Huawei  has  also  convened   become commonplace.  With  continuous
        increase  in  new  business  opportunities.   the  5G  Business  Success  Summit  at   breakthroughs in device technologies and
        At the event, Huawei Carrier BG President   MWC.  Peng  Song,  President  of  Huawei's   a  boom  in  content,  the  number  of  online
        Li  Peng,  delivered  a  keynote  speech  on   ICT  Strategy  &  Marketing,  delivered  a   users of immersive and interactive services
        reimagining  5G  business,  reinforcing  5G   keynote speech titled "Diverse Paths to 5G   in  the  5.5G  era  is  expected  to  exceed  1
        coverage, and reinventing 5G technologies.   Monetization,  Accelerating  5G  Business   billion, a 100-fold increase.
        In his speech, Li shared insights into user   Success".  In  his  speech,  he  noted  that   Frontier  2: Further  enabling industry
        experience and recent 5G development. He   the  achievements  made  by  5G  in  its  first   digitalization
        said that the industry must work together   three  years  are  equivalent  to those  that   As 5G private networks become increasingly
        to accelerate 5G prosperity. He stated that   4G  made  in  its  first  five  years,  and  that   capable,  their  scope  of  application  will
        5G has developed rapidly since it entered   leading  operators are already celebrating   expand by 10 times, and the value of each
        commercial  use  three  years  ago.  By  the   the  success  of  the  first  round  of  5G   connection in key applications will increase
        end  of  2022,  over  1  billion  5G  users  had   development, which has instilled a sense of   by even more than that. We predict that the
        watched  high-definition  streams  of  major   certainty and confidence in the industry. 5G   number  of  5G  private  networks  deployed
        international sports events, and more than   will thus sustain this success if its value can   will increase from 10,000 today to 1 million
        10  million  households  had  access  to  5G   be further unleashed in ToC, ToH, and ToB   by  2030.  Fiber  connections  are  extending
        broadband.  As  5G  network  capabilities   sectors. During his speech, Mr. Peng noted   from homes and enterprises to production
        improve, users are able to watch videos in   that the global user penetration rate of 5G in   lines and even production equipment.
        higher definition and from more viewpoints,   its first three years amounts to that of 4G in   Frontier  3: Cloud  applications  entering  a
        creating a new standard for next-generation   its first five years. Operators reporting over   new  era, creating  new  opportunities  for
        experiences.  70%  of  users  are  already   20%  5G  user  penetration  during  the  first   network connectivity
        willing to pay for better 5G experiences. Li   round of deployment have seen significant   Cloud-based  and  multi-cloud enterprise
        also  highlighted  that  deeper  5G  coverage   growth in mobile revenue. In the meantime,   applications  are  becoming a  new  trend.
        is  helping  carriers  better  monetize   devices, content, experience, and business   The cloud applications will need real-time,
        experience.  This  is  well  evidenced  by   models are diversifying as more operators   reliable, and easily-accessable connectivity,
        the  world's  top  20  carriers  in  5G  network   and partners embrace 5G. This is evidence   bringing new opportunities to transmission
        rollout,  who  achieved  significantly  higher   of a  market  shift  from risk-based  to   networks, whether they are between edge
        ARPU and revenue growth than the global   revenue-based  decision-making  for even   cloud  nodes,  between  edge  cloud  nodes
        average  last  year.  Innovation  in  5G  base   more assurance of business success.   and central clouds, or between enterprises
        station equipment would also be required   Frontier  1: Explosion  in  services  with   and the cloud.
        to provide deeper coverage. Along this line,   immersive and interactive experiences  Frontier 4: Cellular networks cover all IoT
        in  2022,  Huawei  launched  MetaAAU,  its   3D  applications,  such  as  3D  online  malls,   applications and passive IoT enables 100
        third-generation AAU for 5G base stations.   24K VR gaming, and glasses-free 3D video,   billion connections
        Compared  with  its  previous generation   will  become mainstream. Services  with   Passive  IoT  technology  is  extending
        counterpart,  MetaAAU  offers  about  30%   immersive experiences emerged in the 5G   mobile connectivity from high-speed active

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