Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        A- Examine the performance  of important elements  in the   “Millions  of people  use Speedtest to measure their internet
        telecommunication network at least once a year, such as switches,   performance  every day,”  said Ookla co-founder  and CEO Doug
        main transmission links, and basic databases, in order to ensure   Suttles. “With our  consumer-initiated  methodology, powerful
        the  readiness  of measures for these  elements,  alternate  links,   cross-platform testing  engine and global network of high-
        redirection of telecom traffic, and measure the effectiveness of   throughput  servers,  Ookla is a definitive source  for 5G network
        emergency plans, provided that the authority shall be notified in   intelligence and measurement. Ookla works with many regulators
        advance of the scope of these examinations, and a detailed report   in the GCC states and beyond to provide actionable insights into
        shall be provided to it upon completion. Executing and developing   the performance of national 5G networks as they evolve. We are
        procedures and systems for managing the telecommunications   thrilled to assist and support the TRA as they seek to drive the
        network, and applying the technical and organizational measures   development of the telecommunications sector in Oman.” Given
        approved by the Authority.                             the complexity of today’s  telecoms networks, operators and
        Article (4)                                            regulators  face  significant  challenges  in  understanding  end-
        In the event of a planned service interruption in the main network   user network experience and in optimizing network performance.
        elements or those that affect a wide geographical area as a result   Simply identifying  areas  with  inadequate  connectivity  can be a
        of the process of upgrading the network software or upgrading   struggle. Ookla’s high-caliber network intelligence solutions will
        a large number of network elements, the licensee shall abide by   give the TRA an insightful view of network performance in Oman,
        the following: Implementation of the planned outage during the   and allow it to benchmark against its regional peers. This effort
        period of reduced traffic on the network. (February 28, 2022)  further aligns with the goals of the Oman 2040 vision of preparing
                                                               for the impacts of technology and the digital transformation
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Sultanate of   taking place in the Sultanate. “Ookla’s unique data insights will
        Oman (TRA) and Ookla®, an internationally recognized leader in   help  TRA identify weak spots and consequently  guide  network
        network testing and intelligence, are engaging in a collaborative   operators  to improve their networks, in turn creating a  better
        arrangement  as  part  of  TRA’s  aim  to  leverage the latest   experience for the Omani people,” said TRA Executive Manager
        technologies  and up-to-date  insights for understanding  mobile   Strategic Planning Unit Engr. Ahmed Hassan Al Haddabi. “We look
        and fixed broadband performance across Oman. This comes at   forward to leveraging Ookla’s data to assist us in making informed
        a time when 5G rollout in the country is gaining momentum, and   decisions for advancing Oman’s ranking internationally in support
        Ookla’s enterprise solutions and first-party data is set to empower   of the government’s Oman 2040 vision.” Over the course of their
        TRA in assessing the adoption of 5G networks in the Sultanate.   engagement, both companies will work together to analyze mobile
        This collaboration should  help drive network improvements in   and fixed broadband performance in order to drive improvement
        Oman, delivering significant new value to local mobile operators   in the network performance landscape in Oman.
        who build the networks and the consumers  who rely on them.   (February 9, 2022)


        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA) has implemented   Iftikhar remarked while talking to The Express Tribune. Until now,
        a  rationalization  plan for 1,800  MHz  spectrum  to  increase the   the cellular operators of Pakistan had small fragmented chunks
        efficiency of telecom sector. “PTA conducted a spectrum auction   of spectrum scattered here and there within the 1,800 MHz band,
        in September 2021 in accordance with the policy directive of the   he  said.  This  has  now  been  rectified  by  PTA.  Within  the  1,800
        government of Pakistan issued on August 4, 2021,” said a PTA   MHz band, each mobile company would have one consolidated
        statement. Accordingly, a rationalization plan in the 1,800 MHz   chunk of the spectrum, he added. This will allow the most optimal
        spectrum  band  was issued  by the  authority  in consultation   use of the spectrum,  resulting  in improved services. SI  Global
        with the Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) for the contiguity of   CEO Noman Ahmed Said explained that radio spectrum typically
        spectrum  by  all  cellular  mobile  operators  (CMOs)  for  efficient   referred to the full frequency range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz that
        spectrum utilization, it said. PTA stated that Jazz, CMPak, Telenor   may be used for wireless communication. “Increase in demand for
        and Ufone implemented  the rationalization strategy under  the   cellular services such as mobile phones and many others called
        supervision and guidance of PTA and FAB in a coordinated activity   for changes  in the philosophy  of spectrum  management,”  he
        for approximately  three months.  PTA underlined  that technical   added. The CEO said that demand for wireless broadband soared
        teams of all stakeholders worked round the clock without causing   due to technological innovation, such as  3G and 4G  services,
        any  disturbance  in services to  the nation. “This  will  ensure   and rapid expansion of wireless internet services. He explained
        efficient utilization of contiguous spectrum holdings and better   that the spectrum rationalization plan was aimed at reusing the
        user experience,” PTA said. “Furthermore, it will be beneficial for   spectrum and efficiently distributing it for a more holistic use. The
        the launch of future technologies in Pakistan.” “It is a great step,”   existing spectrum  facilitates  prevailing networks and functions
        information and communication technology (ICT) expert Parvez   between the assigned spectrums of frequency under FAB, said the

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