Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 43


        Facebook Calls-Off F8 Developer Conference

        Facebook cancelled its annual F8 Developer   platform  partnerships,  said in a blog  the   live streamed content”.  Additional details
        Conference due to fears about the Covid-19   decision  to ditch the event was  a  “tough   about these will be released in the coming
        (coronavirus) outbreak, outlining plans to   call,” but insisted “we need to prioritize the   weeks. The move follows the cancellation
        hold  a  series of smaller local and online   health and safety of our developer partners,   of MWC Barcelona 2020 earlier this month,
        events instead. The conference, a key part   employees and everyone who helps put F8   and comes as companies across the globe
        of Facebook’s  calendar where it  typically   on”. “We explored other ways to keep the   brace for expected headwinds caused by
        unveils new features for its suite of apps   in-person part of F8, but it’s important to us   the virus. Covid-19 was already tipped to
        and services and sets course for the year   to host an inclusive event and it didn’t feel   slow  5G  deployments in  China,  and both
        ahead, was set to be held on 5 and 6 May   right to have F8 without our international   Apple  and Microsoft  warned  they expect
        in San Jose, California. The company told   developers  in  attendance.”  Papamiltiadis   to miss revenue targets for the current
        Mobile World Live the 2019  event drew   said the main gathering  will  be replaced   quarter due to related supply chain issues.
        a  crowd  of  around  5,000.  Konstantinos   by  a  combination  of smaller,  locally-
        Papamiltiadis,  Facebook’s  director  of   hosted  events along with “videos and

                                              Huawei Commits to Empower 10,000 Saudi ICT

                                              Talents by 2023

        Huawei has reiterated its commitment to   Huawei ICT Job Fair — the second edition   playing  an instrumental  role  in moving
        developing  talent  within  the  Kingdom’s   of which  will  be held  shortly  in Riyadh.   the Kingdom towards its ambitious goals
        Information   and    communications  Speaking  on Huawei’s  commitment,   of  increased global  competitiveness and
        technology sector in line with the goals of   Dennis  Zhang,  CEO  of  Huawei  KSA,  said:   sustainability. The people of Saudi Arabia
        Vision 2030.  Having recently  celebrated   “There is a global shortage of ICT talent.   want to be equipped  with the knowledge
        the  first  anniversary  of  launching  its   Huawei is committed  to addressing  this   and skills  to not only navigate the future
        Saudi Talent Enabling  Program (STEP),   around  the world,  and in Saudi Arabia in   digital economy, but to become its pioneers
        Huawei  has  reconfirmed  the  program’s   particular. Developing and empowering ICT   and leaders.” Based on its comprehensive
        aim to benefit 10,000 local talents by 2023.   talent will contribute significantly towards   talent development  strategy, Huawei
        The STEP  program focuses  on training,   the realization of Vision 2030 which places   hopes  to continue  working with entities
        enabling, and promoting ICT talent within   a  strong emphasis  on the economic   from the public  and private  sectors to
        the Kingdom through three pillars: building   potential  of the ICT sector.  New talent is   build a  positive, open,  and cooperative
        a talent alliance, setting talent standards,   required to drive digital transformation on   ICT talent ecosystem. The  ICT sector  is
        and communicating talent value. There are   a national and industry-wide scale, which   part  of the foundation of national  digital
        a  further  nine initiatives within  the STEP   will contribute towards stable, continuous   transformation under Vision 2030, making
        program pillars,  several  of which  Huawei   development  for  the  Kingdom.”  Faisal  Al   it more important than ever for concerted
        has already unveiled during recent years.   Otaibi, HR Director at Huawei KSA, added:   efforts towards developing talent that will
        These  include  Huawei’s  long-running   “Advanced  technologies  are  already  power the industry.
        Seeds  for  the Future initiative which has
        hosted  more than 81  local students,
        and the Huawei  ICT Skills  Competition
        which  has captured  the interest of over
        7,000  participants  in  Saudi  Arabia.
        Huawei’s  Future Leaders Initiative has
        also  upskilled over 250  local  engineers,
        while the company’s Huawei ICT Academy
        has established alliances with more than
        10  institutions  in  the  Kingdom.  Moving
        forward, the company has also committed
        to promoting ICT talent insight, an emerging
        tech on-board training, a Huawei Partners
        and Customers Training Program, a HCIE
        Certification  Salon,  and  continuing  its

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