Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        Nation’s famed politeness and etiquette is   something that we all share is our love of   Ireland. We know  our customers value
        internationally  known  through  the  varied   local small  talk; the weather,  footie and   speaking to someone on the other end of
        ways Brits address and thank each other.   the telly, all make us feel comfortable and   the phone  who understands  their issue,
        The research shows ‘thank you’ is the most   able to  relate to  someone  on the other   whether  that’s about  their  products  or
        popular way to show appreciation someone   side of the phone.” Marc Allera, CEO of BT   the weather.  “BT is  already back on the
        with ‘ta’ and ‘nice one’ being the next two   Consumer, said: “We know how important   high street and  within 20  minutes’ drive
        favorites, particularly in Scotland and the   providing a personal, and local service is to   of 95% of the UK population, and now as
        North West of England. Rob continues,   our customers and today we’re celebrating   part  of  our ambition to  be the  best for
        “Britain is a nation of dialects, with unique   delivering our commitment to answer all of   service we’re now answering 100% of our
        lingo in every  corner  of the country.  But   our customer service calls in the UK and   customers’ calls in the UK and Ireland.”

        BT Expects New Network Safeguard Rules to Cost It GBP500M Over Next
        Five Years

        Following on from the British government’s   was  cited  as saying:  ‘The  way it works   limited to a minority presence of no more
        announcement earlier this week that it will   at the moment is when you put a 5G box   than  35%  in  the  periphery  of  the  access
        limit the use of equipment from ‘high risk’   on a mast it has to be on top of a 4G box   network,  this  35%  cap  is  also  reportedly
        vendors  in operator’s  networks, BT  has   from the same supplier … More than 35%   to be applied to how much 5G data traffic
        suggested that the development will cost   of [our] 4G boxes are Huawei. We are going   can flow through  Huawei equipment,
        it around GBP500 million (USD653 million)   to have to take out some Huawei 4G boxes   not just  the proportion of equipment.
        to comply with the ruling. According to The   and not use them again. That is probably   As  such,  this  may  mean BT  needing
        Guardian, BT currently uses more Huawei   the single biggest cost. In order to make   to replace  additional  Huawei-supplied
        equipment in the masts and towers of its   5G work we are going to have to use other   equipment where it is being used in highly
        mobile network than is allowed under new   manufacturers’ equipment.’  Meanwhile,   populated,  high-traffic  areas  such  as
        government  rules,  and as  such  it  will  be   the executive was said to have suggested   London and Manchester. ‘[The cap] is not
        required to take this out and replace it with   that  the total  cost  to the company  could   just number of masts, it is traffic as well.
        kit  from  other  vendors.  Speaking on the   rise beyond GBP500 million. With the new   The  mechanism  for  defining  traffic  has
        matter, BT’s chief executive Philip Jansen   rules meaning that  high risk  vendors are   not [yet] been agreed,’ Jansen pointed out.

                                             Cisco Joins Facebook’s Express Wi-Fi Technology
                                             Partner Program to Connect More People to a
                                             Faster Internet

        Cisco  announced  that it  has joined   benefits  in  areas  such  as  education,   said  Dan Rabinovitsj,  Vice President  of
        Facebook’s  Express Wi-Fi  Technology   financial  services,  health,  agriculture   Facebook Connectivity. “With Express Wi-
        Partner Program to close  the digital   and transport.  Express Wi-Fi  is part of   Fi, Cisco and Facebook will extend access
        divide  and enable more people around   Facebook  Connectivity, a  collection  of   to the internet in underserved areas where
        the  world to get  connected  to a faster,   programs, technologies  and partnerships   connectivity can offer more opportunities
        better internet. According to the 2019 EIU   designed  to  increase the availability,   for development and growth.” “Cisco has
        Internet  Inclusivity  Index commissioned   affordability and awareness of high-quality   a history of connecting  the unconnected,
        by Facebook, about 3.8 billion people don’t   internet access. With Express Wi-Fi, local   and as an Express Wi-Fi  technology
        have fast  and reliable internet  access.   entrepreneurs,  equipment  manufacturers,   partner, we  can  accelerate  the  potential
        The study  revealed that, in contrast to   mobile network operators  and service   for better, faster internet services without
        previous years, progress has  stalled on   providers can build,  grow and monetize   boundaries,”  said Greg Dorai, Vice
        closing the digital divide. Although mobile   their Wi-Fi  businesses  in a  sustainable   President of Wireless Product Management
        internet  services  continue  to improve,   and scalable way. Through the Express Wi-  for Enterprise Networking,  Cisco. “This
        many  low-income countries  are seeing   Fi Technology Partner Program, Cisco will   program offers another  path for  Cisco to
        slow progress. As part of its  corporate   build network hardware and software that   team with its service provider partners to
        commitment  to global  problem solving   is compatible with Express Wi-Fi, helping   deliver sustainable, high-quality public Wi-
        and building  a better  future,  Cisco  has a   to bring more people  online  and improve   Fi via networked solutions that are ready to
        goal to positively impact 1 billion lives by   the internet  experience.  “We  are  pleased   integrate with Facebook’s Express Wi-Fi.”
        2025.  The internet has  the potential to   to have Cisco join us in providing more
        transform more people’s  lives,  bringing   affordable, fast and reliable connectivity,”

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