Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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          both down 2% primarily due to ongoing   Philip Jansen, Chief Executive, commenting   widely-shared  ambition  to  invest  in  fibre
          headwinds from regulation, competition   on the results, said “BT delivered results   across  the  whole  of  the  UK.  We’re  also
          and legacy product declines        slightly below our expectations  for the   investing in 5G, making it  available in
        •  Reported  profit  before  tax  of  £1,911m;   third quarter of the year, but we remain on   over 50 locations, with the first customers
          adjusted2  EBITDA  £5,900m,  down   track to meet our outlook for the full year.  enjoying a great experience. “The security
          3%1,  due  to  the  fall  in  revenue,  higher   “We continue to  invest in the business.   of our network is  paramount  for BT.  We
          spectrum fees, investment in customer   During  the  quarter we launched  Halo,   therefore  welcome  and  are  supportive
          experience  and higher  operating  costs   the  UK’s  ultimate  converged  plan,  which   of the clarity provided  by  Government
          in Openreach                       will  give  homes  and businesses  the best   around  the use of certain  vendors  in
        •  Normalized free cash flow of £1,000m,   connection and service. We’ve continued to   networks across the UK and agree that the
          down 42% due to increased cash capital   use our national scale and local presence   priority should be the security of the UK’s
          expenditure,  deposit for UEFA club   across the UK to provide customers with   communications infrastructure. We are in
          football  rights,  higher  interest and tax   the best possible experience, for example   the process of reviewing the guidance  in
          payments and working capital, partially   by  meeting our  promise to answer all   detail to determine the full impact on our
          offset by one-off cash flows       customer calls in the UK and Ireland and   plans and at this time estimate an impact
        •  Capital expenditure £2,877m. Up £251m   bringing BT sales and service back to the   of  around  £500  million  over  the  next  5
          excluding BDUK funding deferral, driven   high street in  nearly  500  BT/EE  stores.   years. “I’m really excited  about the long-
          by fixed and mobile network investment  “Underpinning  the ongoing  development   term prospects for this great company and
        •  Overall  financial  outlook  maintained;   of  market-leading  propositions,  we  I‘m confident our plans will enable us to be
          we expect  normalized free cash flow,   continue  to invest  in the best converged   bolder, smarter, and faster to ensure that
          for timing reasons, to be in lower half of   network. We welcomed  the direction  of   we remain successful and create a better
          the £1.9bn - £2.1bn full year guidance   Ofcom’s  recent  consultation,  which is   BT for the future.”
          range                              an important step forward towards a

        BT Completes 100% On-Shoring of Customer Service Calls to the UK and
        Ireland to Deliver Personal and Local Customer Service

                                                                                 ‘Wassup’  which  was  particularly  popular
                                                                                 in London and the South East of England,
                                                                                 and in the north other favorites consist of
                                                                                 ‘What’s the craic’ and ‘Alright?’ We aren’t
                                                                                 just formal when it comes to phone calls
                                                                                 either, with ‘Regards’ being Britain’s most
                                                                                 popular  email  sign  off  (37%),  followed
                                                                                 by  ‘Many  Thanks’  (25%).  Whereas,  one
                                                                                 in ten from London  and Yorkshire prefer
                                                                                 signing  off emails  with  ‘Love From’.
                                                                                 Understanding why connecting regionally
                                                                                 and locally  with people  through different
                                                                                 phrases and endearing  terms delivers a
                                                                                 more positive customer  experience.  BT
        BT has completed  its  commitment  to   use app and chat experiences, accessible   has  partnered with social media  comedy
        answer  100%  of  customer  service  calls   through  To  mark  this  moment,   page, Very British Problems, by comically
        in  the  UK  and  Ireland  a  year  ahead  of   BT reached out to the Nation to dive into   engaging  Twitter users on picking their
        schedule  to  deliver the most  personal   the vast  differences in local phrases  and   favorite phone sayings via a bingo meme.
        and local  service to its  customers.  The   dialects that relates and connects people   Rob Temple, owner of the comical Twitter
        company  now becomes  the only major   when talking on the phone. From Scotland,   page,  Very British Problems,  says, “The
        ISP  to  answer  all  calls  across  the  UK   Wales, England, and Northern Ireland,   Nation loves a  good  formal safe “Hello”.
        and Ireland, and all  calls  are answered   80%  of  people  say  that  ‘Hello’  is  their   We know where  we are with a hello. It’s
        in  the most  local contact center  to  the   preferred  way to start a conversation on   low risk.  We shout all  sorts of greetings
        customer  as  part  of  its  move  to  regional   the phone, which may  seem very  formal   to our friends  and family  to their faces,
        call  routing.  In  addition, BT  is  back  on   living up to the Nation’s stereotype but as   often  becoming  especially  colorful when
        the high street in all EE stores across the   conversations progress we’re ending with   yelling across a pub, but stick a phone to
        UK, to assist and deliver the best service   ‘See  Ya’ as  our favourite  way  to end  our   our ear  and suddenly  we’re  in  Downton
        and the most personalized, plus easy-to-  chat. Other popular phone phrases include   Abbey.  Let’s  hope  it  stays  that  way.”  Our

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