Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 25


        stc Kuwait Signs Long-Term Financing Facility with NBK Worth KD40 Million

        Kuwait  Telecommunications  Company
        –  stc,  has  signed  a  ten-year  financing
        facility  with  the  National  Bank  of  Kuwait
        (NBK). The KD40 mn facility aims to assist
        stc in expanding its operational activities
        and  financing  the  Company’s  capital
        expenditures. The Executive Management
        Teams from both entities attended  the
        signing ceremony,  where the agreement
        was  concluded  in the presence  of Salah
        Al-Fulaij,  NBK  –  Kuwait  Chief  Executive
        Officer, Ali Fardan, NBK – Bahrain General
        Manager, as  well as  Maziad  Alharbi, stc
        –  Kuwait  Chief  Executive  Officer,  and
        Mohammed  Al-Assaf,  stc  –  Kuwait  Chief
        Financial Officer. On this occasion, Alharbi,
        stc  –  Kuwait  CEO,  said,  “Our  strategic
        partnership,  which began  over a  decade
        ago, shows  the  joint  effort  and mutual
        trust shared between stc and NBK. I would
        like to express my sincere appreciation to
        NBK’s executive management and team for
        their ongoing support and cooperation in
        arranging and executing this transaction.”   by providing outstanding banking services   base.  The Company  focuses on  growth
        He added, “Coupled with the launch of our   to local companies,  relying  on close   in unconventional paths within the
        new brand, this facility marks a new step   relationships with our customers, provide   fields  of  communication,  entertainment,
        and a  pivotal  role in  implementing stc’s   an exceptional  level of customer  service,   information,  digital  services and data
        sustainable  business growth,  operational   offer specialized professional  advice,   transmission,  providing  customers
        and  expansion  strategy.  The  financing   while utilizing our Group’s  regional and   with  the best experience  around  the
        facility  will  be utilized for CAPEX  and   international network. We have utilized our   clock. stc has  succeeded  in attracting
        working capital  requirements that  will   resources and expertise to build an array   investments  from the  private sector,
        assist  the Company in reaching its long   of  diversified  banking  solutions,  while   driving the economy and repositioning
        and short  term goals.” Alharbi also  said,   investing  in the latest digital banking   the telecom  sector  as one  of the most
        “We will spare no effort towards enhancing   technology to provide our corporate clients   pivotal and active sectors contributing to
        the efficiency of our business model, wide   with an unrivaled experience in the banking   the evolution  of global  technology.  The
        array  of  offerings and quality  services   sector.”  NBK  is  the  largest  financial   Company has dedicated its resources and
        to  cater  to  the needs  of  our customers   institution in Kuwait with effective market   strong network to provide the best wireless
        and exceed  their expectations, as  well   dominance  in the commercial  banking   coverage  in  Kuwait,  playing  a  key  role  in
        as  pursue  our  strive towards enabling   arena. The  bank has been  consistently   enhancing  the nation’s  infrastructure.
        the  digital  transformation,  benefiting  our   awarded  with the highest  credit  ratings   Since  2008, stc’s  accomplishments have
        shareholders and all stakeholders.” Salah   of all  banks in the region  from  Moody’s,   transformed  Kuwait’s  telecom  market
        Al-Fulaij,  NBK  –  Kuwait  Chief  Executive   Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch Ratings. NBK   through  unrivalled  wireless  pricing
        Officer,  said,  “NBK  is  the  first  choice  for   has a wide local and international network   models and fee. In  2016,  stc  entered the
        companies  in the private sector  when   of branches across 4 continents, with its   International Telecommunications Union
        financing major deals and projects. This is   international presence extending to cover   (ITU), a  specialized agency  of the United
        mainly due to the bank’s strong financial   many  of  the  world’s  leading  financial   Nations that is responsible for issues that
        profile  and  extensive  experience  in   centers including New York, London, Paris,   concern  information and communication
        seamlessly executing major short and long-  Singapore  and  Shanghai.  NBK  also  has   technologies.  In 2019, stc became  the
        term financing solutions, which ultimately   a  wide regional network covering Saudi   first network to offer its customers the 5G
        reflect  the bank’s  leading  position in the   Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan   service and enabled enterprises  mobility.
        local and regional banking sector.”Al-Fulaij   and Turkey.               Since  then,  stc invested  in building  the
        said,  “Signing  this  financing  agreement   Innovative solutions and major milestones  most  advanced  network in  the local
        with stc is  a  testament to the strong   stc strives to provide its  customers,   market, proudly owning the largest number
        relationship  that has developed over the   whether  consumers or companies,  with   of 5G covered sites in Kuwait.
        years with NBK.” He added, “We continue   innovative services and digital  solutions
        to solidify our leadership role in the market   that  enrich the  lives  of  its  customer
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