Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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        Dutch Regulator Finalizes Decision Refraining from Regulating Wholesale

        Local Access

        The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) has   regulation of the Wholesale Local Access fixed broadband internet
        finalized its previously-announced decision to refrain from further   market,  after  the  European  Commission  (EC)  confirmed  that  it
                                                               had  no  comments  on  the  matter.  The  market  analysis  decision
                                                               was adopted  on 12  December 2023.  ACM reiterated  that  there
                                                               ‘is  currently  sufficient  competition  in  the  telecom  market’  and
                                                               confirmed its previous position that ‘further regulation of the market
                                                               is not necessary at this time’. The watchdog added, however, that
                                                               it ‘remains vigilant and will annually analyze the competition in the
                                                               telecom sector to ensure that providers continue to deliver the best
                                                               price-quality.’ In particular, ACM noted that it will annually check
                                                               whether incumbent national telco KPN and its fiber joint venture
                                                               Glaspoort are adhering to the commitment decision which makes
                                                               their  fiber-optic  networks  open  to  various  providers  of  telecom
                                                               services. ACM will also monitor whether fibre rollouts announced
                                                               for the coming years are actually realized by various parties. ACM
                                                               says it is also alert to takeovers in the telecom sector, ‘because this
                                                               can also lead to a deterioration of the competitive situation’.

        AI to Curtail Revenue Leakage in 5G Roaming Connections

        According to Juniper Research, AI solutions will curtail “revenue
        leakage” in 5G roaming connections. The research suggests that
        average revenue leakage per 5G roaming connection will decrease
        from $1.72 to $1.20. This significant reduction is attributed to the
        strategic  implementation  of  AI-based  segmentation  by  telecom
        operators,  marking  a  pivotal  advancement  in  monetizing  data-
        centric users. Revenue leakage pertains to the value of services
        provided  but  not  adequately  monetized,  a  challenge  that  the
        telecoms  industry  has  grappled  with.  Juniper  Research’s  latest
        findings  indicate  that  AI-based  segmentation  solutions  play  a
        crucial role in addressing this issue by enhancing the allocation
        of resources and introducing new pricing models, particularly in
        the realm of 5G standalone networks. The key driver behind this
        reduction is the ability of AI-based segmentation to discern and
        categorize traffic types and segments in real-time, thus enabling
        operators  to  better  monetize  emerging  roaming  services.  By
        leveraging  machine  learning  models,  operators  can  differentiate   the 4G infrastructure relied upon by 5G non-standalone networks
        enterprise  traffic  by  use  case  and  facilitate  premium  billing  for   – individual  pricing  strategies  must  be  employed  for each type
        mission-critical 5G standalone connections. According to research   of network. This ensures that the pricing accurately reflects the
        author  Alex  Webb,  AI-based  segmentation  “will  differentiate   Quality  of  Service  (QoS)  offered  by  these  networks,  considering
        enterprise traffic by use case; enabling premium billing of mission-  factors such as higher throughput and lower latency.
        critical 5G  standalone  connections,  thus  reducing revenue   In essence, the adoption of AI-driven segmentation tools emerges
        leakage.” The report, titled ‘Global Roaming Clearing Market: 2023-  as  a  critical  strategy  for  telecom  operators  to  optimize  network
        2028,’ recommends that operators adopt AI segmentation tools to   resource  distribution,  identify  enterprise  traffic  suitable  for  use
        combat revenue leakage from 5G roaming on standalone networks.   case-dedicated  network  slices,  and  ultimately  curb  revenue
        As 5G standalone networks utilize the 5G core – as opposed to   leakage in 5G roaming connections.

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