Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 48


        UAE Telecoms: 22m Mobile Subscribers, 97% 5G Coverage, 3.8m Broadband


        The UAE has more than 22m mobile phone subscribers and almost   governments, with whom we collaborate to realize and enhance in-
        4m broadband internet subscriptions, according to TDRA data. The   tegrated digital experiences. “This aligns with our journey towards
        Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authori-  a digital knowledge society and economy, in accordance with ‘We
        ty (TDRA) released the Digital Enablers Report 2023, showcasing   the UAE 2031’ vision and the directives of our wise leadership, to
        TDRA’s  collaborative  efforts  with  partners  in  advancing  digital   focus on digitization as a cornerstone for the future economy and
        transformation enablers and infrastructure in the UAE. The report   the implementation of smart city concepts.” In the Telecommuni-
        includes key indicators and highlights pioneering achievements in   cations sector, the report indicates that mobile network coverage
        this domain.                                           has achieved 100 per cent in various regions of the country, while
        UAE mobile phone subscribers                           the 5G network spans 97.03 per cent of the total populated areas.
        The report indicates that the user base for UAE Pass has grown   According to the report, the number of mobile phone subscribers
        to  6.84  million,  enabling  them  to  access  15,000  digital  services   has  reached  22,178,236,  with  3,774,064  subscribers  to  mobile
        offered  by 232  service providers. Additionally, the  “UAE Verify”   broadband  services.  This  positions  the  UAE  the  first  globally  in
        digital  verification  platform  processed  6,997,635  documents.  In   mobile network coverage, rate of mobile broadband subscriptions,
        the  API  Marketplace,  transactions  reached  1,273,464,  while  the   and percentage of Internet users. Additionally, the UAE ranks sec-
        Government  Service Bus  (GSB)  handled  more than  1.5bn  trans-  ond globally in the rate of mobile subscriptions and sixth globally
        actions.  Furthermore, the  customer  relationship  management   in international Internet bandwidth per user. Furthermore, the UAE
        system “Tawasul 171” addressed more than 500,000 cases. Re-  has  maintained  its  global  leadership  for the  fourth  consecutive
        garding the performance of the Federal Digital Network (FEDnet),   time in FTTH coverage, standing at 97 per cent, according to data
        the Digital Enablers Report reveals the presence of 5,076 virtual   from the FTTH Council Europe. On the global stage, as per the re-
        servers  constituting  the  cloud infrastructure.  A total  of 40  enti-  port, the UAE achieved significant results, ranking:
        ties utilize the high-performance Internet portal, while 46 entities   •   5th in Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI)
        benefit from the cloud infrastructure, and 35 entities make use of   •   9th in Telecommunication Infrastructure Index (TII)
        the backup service. The report further highlights that TDRA Virtual   •   12th in Online Service Index (OSI)
        Academy boasts a registration count of 34,000 individuals, all of   •   13th in E-Government Development Index (EGDI)
        whom benefit from a diverse array of 180 training courses. TDRA   •   18th in Digital Participation Index
        Director-General Majed Sultan Al Mesmar said: “The report reflects   •   22nd in Government AI Readiness Index
        the team spirit among government entities, including local digital

        World Bank Appoints UAE to Head Cloud Computing Advancement Efforts

        The  United  Arab Emirates  (UAE)  has  been  selected  to chair the
        World Bank’s  Cloud  Computing  Working  Group, underscoring
        the country’s notable achievements in digital transformation. Dr.
        Bushra AlBlooshi, Senior Consultant of Research and Innovation at
        Dubai Electronic Security Centre (DESC), led the group’s meeting,
        succeeding Singapore and the United Kingdom in the co-leadership
        role.  Comprising  27  countries,  international  entities,  and  major
        companies, the working group aims to advance global standards
        and  practices  in  cloud  computing.  Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansoori,
        Director  General  of  Digital  Dubai,  emphasized  that  the  UAE’s
        appointment to lead the World Bank’s body reflects the country’s
        outstanding reputation in new technology and cloud computing.
        Al  Mansoori  highlighted  the  significance  of  cloud  computing
        as  a  crucial  element  in  smart  cities  and  digitized  knowledge
        societies. AlBlooshi stated that the UAE’s leadership in the working
        group underscores  the  country’s  prominent  position  in  future
        technologies, particularly in cloud computing. She praised the UAE   sectors globally to collaboratively  develop  knowledge  products,
        for establishing itself as a global hub for technological innovation   including playbooks, how-to notes, surveys, and benchmarks. This
        and serving as an inspiring model for digital transformation. World   appointment reaffirms the UAE’s influence and leadership in the
        Bank working groups bring together experts from public and private   realm of future technologies and digital advancements.

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