Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 47


        Tunisia Ranks 8th in ICT Development

        in Africa

        Tunisia  ranks  8th  in  Africa in  terms  of information and
        communication technology  (ICT)  development,  with  a  score  of
        75.4, according to a recent report published by the International
        Telecommunication Union (ITU). In the  top 5  African  countries,
        Morocco stands out with a score of 85.1. Mauritius ranks second
        with a score of 81.7, followed by the Seychelles (80.9), South Africa
        (80.5) and Libya (79.4). The report also highlights the significant
        progress in ICT development in Africa, with 20 of the 45 countries
        surveyed  scoring  above  50.  Algeria  ranks  sixth  (77.8),  followed
        by  Egypt  (75.8).  Tunisia  and  Botswana  share  9th  place  with  74
        points. Gabon completes the African top 10 with a score of 72.9.
        Entitled  “Measuring digital  development:  The  ICT Development
        Index  2023”,  the  report  assesses  ICT  progress  in  169  countries
        and territories around the world based on 10 key indicators. These
        indicators  include  the  percentage  of  people  using  the  internet,
        mobile broadband penetration, mobile broadband internet traffic,
        mobile data prices, voice services and mobile phone ownership.
        Internationally, the United Arab Emirates topped the rankings with
        a perfect score of 100, ahead of the United States (99.1), Qatar
        (98.7), Kuwait (98.2) and Denmark (96.9).

                                                               The Digital Regulatory Academy
                                                               Held  the  “LEADERG:  Leadership

                                                               in Regulations and Public Policy”
                                                               Program, with the Participation of

                                                               Senior Leaders from Regulatory
                                                               Entities and The Private Sector

                                                               CST’s Digital Regulatory Academy has held the “LEADERG: Leader-
                                                               ship in Regulations and Public Policy” Program in Paris, in collabo-
                                                               ration with (HEC) to develop the leaders’ capabilities in public pol-
                                                               icies and digital regulations, and provide them with the necessary
                                                               skills and knowledge in cross-sectoral analysis and evaluation, in
                                                               addition to achieving regulatory excellence to cope with the rapid
                                                               changes in the field, and enhance decision-making processes and
                                                               analyses. The 5-days program was attended by senior leaders from
                                                               MCIT+, service providers, and the Digital Regulatory Committee.
                                                               The executive program introduced the public policies and digital
                                                               regulatory roadmap, and highlighted the best international practic-
                                                               es to build regulations and policies. In addition, the program was
                                                               presented by the world’s best experts and leaders in digital regula-
                                                               tions. Also, as part of the program, participants visited a number of
                                                               prominent public institutions in the field of digital regulations and
                                                               public policy. The program is part of the Digital Regulatory Acad-
                                                               emy initiatives that seeks to develop national capabilities, expand
                                                               leaders' expertise in the field of digital regulations and public poli-
                                                               cy, and ensure a collaborative coordination between regulators and
                                                               international institutes through strategic partnerships to leverage
                                                               from the best expertise and enhance the quality of services.
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