Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 15


        The WRC-23 agenda items include:       (UHF)  broadcasting  band  which  has   (Bucharest,  2022),  adoption  of  a  new
        •   Identifying  additional  frequency bands   implications  for television  broadcast,   resolution  on space sustainability  to
          for the  continued  development  of Inter-  program-making  and  special  events,  as   facilitate  the  long-term  sustainable  use
          national  Mobile  Telecommunications   well  as  public  protection  and  disaster   of  radio-frequency  spectrum  and  asso-
          (IMT),  including  the  use  of  high-altitude   relief.                 ciated  satellite  orbit resources used  by
          platform stations  as  IMT  base  stations                               space  services.  This  will  be  supportive
          for the universal deployment of wireless   The proceedings of the WRC-23, including   of further cooperation with other United
          networks.                          those in the Radiocommunication Assem-   Nations  organizations  and  beneficial  to
        •   Improvements to the international regu-  bly, among  other outcomes,  have helped   the satellite industry;
          latory framework for geostationary   achieve:                          •   adoption  of a resolution  on gender
          orbit  (GSO)  and  non-geostationary  orbit   •   agreement  on  “IMT-2030"  as  the  tech-  equality  to strengthen,  accelerate  and
          (NGSO)  satellites  while  promoting equi-  nical reference for the 6th generation of   widen the active involvement of women
          table access for all countries.      International  Mobile  Telecommunica-  in the work of the ITU Radiocommunica-
        •   Use  of satellite  technologies  for broad-  tions;                    tion Sector (ITU-R).
          band  services  to improve  connectivity,   •   revision  of  ITU-R  Resolution  65,  paving
          particularly in remote areas.        the way for studies on the compatibility   WRC-23  was  preceded  by  the  ITU  Radio-
        •   New spectrum to enhance  radiocom-  of current regulations with potential 6th   communication Assembly  which  met  in
          munications  in  the  aeronautical  mobile   generation IMT radio interface technolo-  Dubai  from  13-17  November  to  establish
          service, including by satellite, and to facil-  gies for 2030 and beyond;  the  structure, working methods  and
          itate the use of the space research and   •   adoption  of the  new Recommenda-  program of the  ITU Radiocommunication
          Earth  exploration-satellite  services  for   tion  ITU-R  M.  2160  on  the  “IMT-2030   Sector. Thousands of industry participants
          climate  monitoring,  weather  prediction   Framework," setting  the  basis  for  the   are taking part in WRC-23, including dele-
          and other scientific missions.       development of IMT-2030. The next phase   gates  from ITU Member States  and  ITU
        •   The modernization of the Global Maritime   will be the definition of relevant require-  Radiocommunication Sector Members
          Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).  ments and evaluation criteria for potential   representing  international  organizations,
        •   The regulatory framework for the use of   radio interface technologies (RIT);  such  as  SAMENA  Telecommunications
          earth stations in motion on board aircraft   •   adoption of a new resolution on the use   Council,  equipment  manufacturers,
          and ships for communication with GSO   of  IMT  technologies  for  fixed  wireless   network operators and  industry forums
          and NGSO satellites.                 broadband;                        attending as observers.
        •   The  future  of  the  ultra-high  frequency   •   in  accordance  with  Resolution  219

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