Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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        purpose.  SAMENA Council also advocated   well as to the 2023 launch of Sustainability   SAMENA Telecommuni-
        consideration  of    6Ghz  for  more  suitable   Innovation  Hub  in  collaboration  with  GCC
        and optimum purposes—which is to meet   Telco Alliance members, including e&, Zain,   cations Council, in part-
        coverage  and  capacity requirements  in  a   Batelco,  Omantel,  du, Ooredoo and  other   nership  with  esteemed
        5G and post-5G environment.          key regional and international partners.
                                                                                    members of  the  Advo-

        Following  the  international  gathering   Moreover, this contribution by the Council   cacy Taskforce of  the
        of  spectrum  policymakers  during  WRC-  was in  continuation  of its  messages
        23,  the  ITU  later  announced  decisions,   delivered from GCF  2023  in  Saudi  Arabia,   former  UN  Broadband
        including  opening  a  portion  of  the  6GHz   where the Council had reiterated that future   Commission  Working
        band  (6.425-7.125GHz)  for  5G  licensed   network deployment, including 6G networks
        mobile Operators; a decision that has been   by  the    end  of the  decade,  would greatly   Group  on 21st  Centu-
        received  well  by the  SAMENA Council   require attention to fulfilling environmental,   ry  Financing  Models  to
        community as well as Operators, in general.  social  and  economic  sustainability
                                             requirements,  as  well  as  supporting  the   Bridge  the  Connectivi-
                                             goals of the Paris Agreement of the United   ty Gap, including Smart
                                             Nations Framework Convention on Climate
                                             Change.                                Africa and  Digicel,  set
                                                                                    the foundation for a new
                                             With  views expressed  by major  SAMENA
                                             Council  members,  specifically,  Cisco  and   Universal  Broadband
                                             SES, the SAMENA Council-led panel delved   Financing  Framework,
                                             into  responsibilities  of  ICT  and  non-ICT
                                             players  with  respect  to taking  corrective   to  be  adopted  for  pilot
                                             action  on  the  climate  crisis;  embedding   implementations  in  Af-
                                             digital  transformation,  innovations  in
          CONNECTIVITY, MOBILITY &           connectivity in collaboration with Mobility-  rica and may, in parallel,
          SUSTAINABILITY                     sector players, smart mobility applications   be  extended  to  ASEAN
        Focused on  fostering  and  enabling   and  services,  smart  and  cost-effective
        collaboration  between  the  Mobility/  energy solutions to catalyze an altogether   states.
        Transport  and  the  ICT/Telecom  sectors,   a new ecosystem; sustainability initiatives
        SAMENA Council led an advocacy exercise   currently in place, and innovative strategies   implementations  in  Africa and  may, in
        to  bring  forth  cross-industry  exchange  of   leveraging  telecommunications to drive   parallel,  be extended  to ASEAN states.
        ideas  that  can  drive  innovation  among   sustainable  trends,  transforming  the   This underscores a shared commitment by
        Technology Providers, Telecom Operators,   landscape  of transportation  and  smart   SAMENA Council to achieve digital inclusion
        Satellite  Operators, and  Mobility  sector   mobility in the SA-ME-NA region.  through broadband connectivity while also
        players working together on both business                                alleviating pressures on Telecom Operators
        opportunities  as  well  as  on  fulfilling                              with respect to infrastructure investments,
        the  Sustainable  Development  Agenda,                                   given the latter’s critical role in carrying out
        particularly SDG 13  (“urgent  action to                                 future broadband infrastructure expansion
        combat climate change and its impact”.                                   across the SA-ME-NA region and beyond.

        In  the  age  of  5G/5G-Advanced,  when                                  This contribution by SAMENA Council is in
        cross-industry partnerships have emerged                                 continuation of the work steered within the
        as  crucial  areas  in  socio-economic  and                              UN Broadband Commission by the Council
        innovative  business-case  development,                                  on  21st  century  funding  and  financing
        collaboration  between  the  Mobility  and                               models in  2021.  SAMENA Council’s
        the  ICT  sectors  can  make  a  significant                             continued  engagement  and  focus on
        difference  in  our efforts  to achieve  major   UNIVERSAL BROADBAND FINANCING   unlocking capital to support Operators and
        SDGs  while  creating  impactful business   SAMENA  Telecommunications Council, in   to sustain digital infrastructure investments
        use-cases.                           partnership  with  esteemed  members of   will  have  direct  impact  on  broadband
                                             the Advocacy Taskforce of the former UN   affordability, sustainable  investments  in
        The  SAMENA  Council-led  panel  on   Broadband Commission Working Group on   the  digital  infrastructure and innovation,
        sustainability  was  in  direct, continued   21st  Century Financing  Models  to Bridge   and would help  Telecom Operators and
        support  to the 2022  MoU signed  by   the  Connectivity Gap, including  Smart   other stakeholders achieve new milestones
        SAMENA Council members,  including    Africa and  Digicel,  set  the  foundation  for   in  collaboration.  Work on this  front  will
        stc  Group,  Etisalat  (e&),  Zain  Group, and   a  new  Universal  Broadband  Financing   continue well beyond 2024.
        Omantel  to reduce carbon  footprint,  as   Framework,  to be  adopted  for pilot

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