Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 86


        Vodafone Germany Extends 5G Coverage to Berlin, Other Cities

        Vodafone  Germany  has  announced  that  its  5G  network  is  now   including Dresden, Darmstadt, Leipzig and Mulheim an der Ruhr.
        available  in  Berlin,  with  the  mobile  network  operator  (MNO)   Looking further ahead, by end-March 2020 the cellco aims to have
        also confirming that it currently has 40 active 5G base stations   more than 160 5G antennas live in 25 cities, 25 municipalities and
        across  a  number  of  locations  across  the  country.  With  a  first   ten industrial parks and by the end of that year ten million people
        base  station  now  having  been  switched  on  in  the  capital  (at   will be connected to the 5G network, rising to 20 million twelve
        the  Adlershof  Technology  Park),  Vodafone  Germany  has  noted   months later.
        that  two  more  will  be  activated  shortly.  In  addition,  the  cellco
        revealed  in  a  press  release  regarding  the  network  development
        that  the  first  5G  sites  had  also  gone  live  in  a  number  of  other
        new locations, including  Bremen, Duisburg, Frankfurt, Solingen
        and Wolfsburg. As previously reported by CommsUpdate, in July
        2019  Vodafone  Germany  announced  the  commercial  launch
        of 5G services for consumers, with its first 25 5G base stations
        switched on in 20 cities and communities at that date, including
        Cologne,  Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Dortmund  and Munich,  and
        the  municipalities  of  Birgland  (Bavaria),  Lohmar  (North  Rhine-
        Westphalia)  and Hattstedt  (Nordfriesland).  As per the cellco’s
        plans, it said at the time of launch that it was aiming to increase
        the number of 5G base stations it had in operation to more than 50
        by the end of August, with other areas expected to gain coverage

        Vodafone Portugal Stages 3.6GHz 5G Trial with Ericsson

                                                                                 Vodafone  Portugal  has  successfully
                                                                                 trialed 5G technology, in association with
                                                                                 vendor  partner  Ericsson.  The  National
                                                                                 Communications  Authority  (Autoridade
                                                                                 Nacional de Comunicacoes,  ANACOM)
                                                                                 allowed the telco to utilize a 100MHz block
                                                                                 of  3.6GHz  spectrum  to  power  the  test,
                                                                                 which involved a ‘real-time 5G holographic
                                                                                 broadcast’.  The  demonstration  involved
                                                                                 TV  host  Jose  Alberto  Carvalho  being
                                                                                 ‘teleported’ 400km between the TVI studio
                                                                                 in  Queluz  de  Baixo  and  the  Paredes  de
                                                                                 Coura  music  festival  venue.  For  its  part,
                                                                                 Ericsson  provided  Vodafone  with  its  AIR
                                                                                 6488 5G equipment.

        ANFR Authorizes 5G Trials at 273 Sites

        France’s  independent  regulator,  the  5G  sites  in  the  country  to  273.  Orange   BTS in the country that it had authorized
        National  Agency  of  Frequencies  (Agence   has  been  allowed  to  trial  fifth-generation   a  total  of  47,200  sites  for  LTE  use  by  1
        Nationale des Frequences,  ANFR), has   technology  at  191  sites,  followed  by   August  2019,  with  42,209  of  these  BTS
        given the green light for 65 trial 5G base   Bouygues (57) and Altice France (SFR, 25).   currently in service.
        transceivers stations (BTS) in the 3.5GHz   The  ANFR  also  published  in  its  monthly
        band in July, bringing the total authorized   update on the number of 2G, 3G and 4G LTE

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