Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 82


        To understand what’s at  stake with this   thought impossible just a few years ago.  In  order  to  do  this,  the  private  network
        rapidly rising market, let’s look at the risks                           must have four qualities:
        of today’s public internet, the latest growth   Rise of the IoT
        of the IoT, and one approach to securing   At  the  same  time,  advancements  in   1.  Privacy  and  isolation  from  the  public
        network connectivity in this new era.  miniaturization  and  mobile  technology   internet in order to protect valuable data
                                             have  accelerated  IoT  adoption.  This   and assets.
           Among  the many online            explosion  of  devices  able  to  collect  and   2.  Connectivity global in scale but flexible
           risks businesses must face,       transmit massive amounts of data poses   enough  to  address  specific  vertical
                                                                                    market needs.
                                             an  additional  risk  for  all  those  sensitive
           malware and ransomware,           transactions that  need  to happen  at   3.  High  capacity,  high  speed,  and  low
           data  thefts and  breaches,       the  speed  of  business.  With  everything   latency  to  meet  the  needs  of  new  use
                                             connected to the public internet potentially
           and  distributed  denial  of      vulnerable  to  being  hacked,  millions  of   4.  Ability to view and manage all members
           service  (DDoS) attacks           new  IoT  devices  designed  and  produced   of a network environment.
           have  all  become  threats        without any meaningful attempt to secure   With everything connected
                                             them  will become  subject  to impending
           to cloud-  and IoT-focused        compromise.                            to  the  public  internet
           companies  relying  on  the       This growth raises the stakes exponentially   potentially  vulnerable to
           public internet.                  for unsecured (and unsecurable) networks   being  hacked, millions of
                                             and  calls  into  question  previous  risk
        Systemic risk of public internet     acceptance  decisions that  connected   new  IoT devices designed
        Unlike a targeted threat that jeopardizes   business systems via the public internet.   and produced without any
        one  element  of  a  company,  a  systemic   Since  the IoT’s  entire premise is  built
        risk can bring an entire operation to a halt   upon connectivity, an attack that exploits   meaningful  attempt  to
        and cause total failure. Put simply, many   or compromises this connectivity has the   secure them  will become
        businesses continue to face this systemic   potential to wreak unprecedented havoc.  subject  to  impending
        risk  by  relying  on  the  public  internet  to
        connect  to  hosted  cloud  services  and   Private, isolated networks      compromise.
        support their adoption of the IoT in pursuit   As  businesses explore new opportunities
        of new opportunities.                for  the  IoT,  they  must  acknowledge  that   A future built on security first
                                             the  public  internet  is  no  longer  fit  to   The Middle East  and Africa are primed
        Among the many online risks businesses   provide  the  secure  global  connectivity   for  a  dynamic  growth  phase  for  the  IoT
        must  face, malware and ransomware,   that  is  imperative  to  fulfill  its  promise.   and  a  new  era  in  connectivity  –  as  well
        data thefts and breaches, and distributed   Instead,  the  use  of  a  private,  isolated   as  vulnerability.  As  businesses  seize  the
        denial  of  service  (DDoS)  attacks  have   network  has  emerged  as  an  alternative   opportunities of this era, they risk leaving
        all become threats to cloud- and IoT-  and more practical  answer to protecting   their commercial data exposed to a public
        focused  companies  relying  on  the  public   online  transactions  in an age when  the   internet  never  intended  for  that  purpose.
        internet. And the world has now seen even   IoT is creating ever-greater risk. A private   Ultimately, smart companies that want to
        greater cyber-calamities, like cloud-based   network can significantly reduce business   conduct  business  and transact at  speed
        cryptojacking,  cloud  ransomware,  and   risk by connecting devices and processes   with the highest security and privacy must
        DDoS attacks  on an  unimaginable  scale,   completely  independent  from  the  public   integrate  the  use  of  a  private,  isolated
        generating  terabit  per  second  volumes   internet.                    network to protect their data.
        of  malicious  traffic  that  were  previously

                                                                                                      82  AUGUST 2019
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87