Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 74



        Loon: Overcoming the Infrastructure Challenge in

        Broadband Connectivity

                                                                  While  it seems that  the  world  is more
                                                                  connected  than  ever before, there  are
                                                                  3.8 billion people who lack access to the
                                                                  Internet.  In fact, less than 50 percent of the
                                                                  world’s landmass is covered by terrestrial
                                                                  Internet  infrastructure. On top  of  that

                                                                  staggering number of disconnected people,
                                                                  there are many more who  lack reliable
                                                                  Internet access. When Bocar Ba asked Loon
                                                                  to contribute a piece to SAMENA Trends to
                                                                  talk about Loon and our role in connecting
                                                                  the unconnected, we immediately accepted
                                                                  his gracious invitation. We are honored to

                                                                  share Loon’s story with our colleagues in
                                                                  the SAMENA community.

                                                               What is Loon?
                                                               Loon is an Alphabet company based in Mountain View, California
                                                               in the United States. We are working tirelessly to bridge the digital
                                                               divide through the use of balloons traveling on the edge of space.
                                                               At  this  point,  SAMENA  Trends  readers  probably  have  read  this
        Julie Kearney                                          sentence a few times. Balloons? On the edge of space? To solve
                                                               the enormous global challenge that billions of people around the
        Head of Regulatory Affairs                             world lack access to the Internet?
                                                               That’s  right!  Loon  is  developing  and  deploying  technology  to
                                                               bring  the  benefits  of  the  Internet  to  everyone.  Loon  balloons
                                                               travel in the stratosphere, acting as floating cell towers, to deliver
                                                               connectivity to people in unserved and underserved areas around
                                                               the world. And these balloons aren’t your everyday party balloons.
                                                               Loon’s  balloons  are  made  from  sheets  of  custom-developed
                                                               polyethylene. Each tennis court-sized balloon is built to last more
                                                               than 150 days in the stratosphere before landing back on Earth in
                                                               a controlled descent. In fact, a Loon balloon just passed the 223
                                                               day  milestone,  breaking  our  previous  record  of  198  days.  Loon

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