Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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        Orbex and Innovative Space Logistics Sign Space Launch Agreement

        Innovative  Space  Logistics  B.V.  and  UK-based  orbital  launch   orbital space launches from Orbex for a number of its smallsat
        services  provider  Orbex  signed  a  wide-ranging  Cooperation   customer  missions.  Netherlands-based  company  ISL  is  one  of
        Agreement  at  the 33rd Annual  Conference  on Small Satellites   the world’s leading players in smallsat launches, having executed
        in Logan, Utah.  The co-operation will  include  technical  launch   or supported the launch of over 350 CubeSats into orbit over the
        services  including  launch  manifest  coordination  and  payload   past decade. With $40 million in project financing, Orbex is the
        integration. As part  of the agreement,  ISL  will  also  procure   best-funded European private launch provider. In February 2019,
                                                               Orbex  publicly  unveiled  the  engineering  prototype  of  the  Stage
                                                               2  of  its  reusable  Prime  launch  vehicle,  a  dedicated  smallsat
                                                               launcher, which is up to 30 percent lighter and 20 percent more
                                                               efficient  than  any other  vehicle  in  the  micro  launcher  category.
                                                               Orbex Prime utilizes bio-propane, a clean-burning, renewable fuel
                                                               that cuts carbon emissions by 90 percent compared to traditional
                                                               hydrocarbon fuels. On August 1, 2019, Orbex’s partner, Highlands
                                                               and Islands Enterprise (HIE) confirmed that it had signed a 75-
                                                               year lease option with landowners, the Melness Crofters Estate, to
                                                               build and operate a spaceport on its land. “It is extremely attractive
                                                               for many of our customers to be able to launch from Europe,” said
                                                               Abe Bonnema, Director at ISL. “Orbex has very quickly emerged as
                                                               a leader in the developing European launch market, and it makes
                                                               sense to cooperate further, as this market evolves. The innovation
                                                               in their launch vehicle, Prime, as well as the quality and experience
                                                               of their personnel makes Orbex a natural partner for ISL.” “There
                                                               are very few companies globally that have the dedicated smallsat
                                                               expertise that ISL has accumulated” said Chris Larmour, CEO of
                                                               Orbex. “This cooperation  will enhance  both  ISL’s and Orbex’s
                                                               commercial  offerings  and  together  we  will  be  able  to  provide
                                                               competitive all-European solutions. The European launch services
                                                               market is evolving fast and we will be able to jointly address many
                                                               of the emerging requirements for European launches.”

        Intelsat and Stratosat Power Business Expansion and Enable International

        Commerce across Central Africa

        Intelsat S.A. has announced an agreement   and agriculture  companies.  Stratosat   not  supported  by  traditional  networks.
        with Stratosat Datacom that provides for   NextGen  will  also enable  multi-national   “Because  connectivity  is  essential  to
        the  delivery  of  high-speed  broadband   enterprises  to engage  and connect  with   supporting the growth of local and
        services  to  sites  across  Central  Africa   their partners and customers  throughout   regional economies, Intelsat is committed
        by  integrating  managed  connectivity   the  region,  driving  business  and  overall   to  making  broadband  connectivity  more
        from Intelsat’s  high throughput  global   economic growth. Intelsat’s FlexEnterprise   attainable for businesses,  communities,
        network  with  valued-added  engineering   is a secure, managed connectivity service   and individuals across Africa,” said Brian
        and management services from Stratosat.   with  broad  global  coverage  that  removes   Jakins, Intelsat’s Regional Vice President,
        Together, the companies will bring internet   the  complexity  of  delivering  high-speed   Africa.  “Stratosat  is  the  first  of  Intelsat’s
        and  Virtual  Private  Networking  (VPN)   broadband   services   to   enterprises.   FlexEnterprise  partners to focus  on
        connectivity to markets across the region   FlexEnterprise   delivers   a   superior   expanding  broadband  connectivity  in
        that  have  traditionally  lacked  access  to   experience while reducing the total cost of   the Central  African region.”  “Stratosat
        reliable communications capabilities. The   ownership  and  improving  the  economics   Datacom is pleased to partner up with
        Stratosat  NextGen  managed  service  —   of  network  expansion  by  pairing  high-  Intelsat  to  bring  unique  connectivity  to
        powered by Intelsat’s FlexEnterprise — can   throughput  connectivity  from  Intelsat’s   the Central Region in Africa. We are highly
        be  rapidly  deployed  and  will  dramatically   space-based  network  with smaller, more   committed  to  empower  local  service
        improve  the  reach  and  performance  of   capable  ground  hardware.  This  delivers   providers to offer cost-effective broadband
        networks for small,  medium,  and large   dramatically  enhanced  network  speed,   solutions to end-users,” said Dieter Kovar,
        businesses  in  the region,  including   coverage,  and  security,  enabling  access   Schauenburg International – Africa Group
        schools, hospitals, financial firms, mining,   to  services  and  applications  that  are   CEO.
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