Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 48


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        Saudi ICT Plan Delivers US$13 Billion Boost for Economy

        Saudi  Arabia’s  Information  and  Communications  Technology   enhance the role of the ICT sector in building a digital community,
        (ICT) sector will increase its contribution to the national economy   digital government, a thriving digital economy and an innovative
        by SR50 billion ($13.3 billion) in the next five years, thanks to a   future for the Kingdom.
        major digital development strategy. Minister of Communications
        and  Information  Technology  Abdullah  Al-Sawaha  said  that  the
        five-year strategy will expand the Kingdom’s digital capabilities in
        ICT, allowing the sector to pursue optimal growth in future projects
        as part of Vision 2030 economic reforms. The plan will also help
        the sector keep  pace with  national requirements and global
        developments, and attract more foreign technology investment.
        Al-Sawaha said the strategy “will draw a roadmap for the future of
        the Kingdom in innovation and the digital economy.” As part of the
        plan the level of Saudi manpower in the sector will be raised to 50
        percent by 2030. It also aims to promote and create opportunities
        for women and boost foreign investment in the sector. The Saudi
        minister said that the ICT strategy will strengthen development
        activities,  and  raise  the  effectiveness  and  performance  of  the
        public and private sectors by enabling digital transformation. “It
        will make the Kingdom one of the world’s leading countries in the
        field of ICT,” he said. The strategy is part of the ministry’s efforts
        to establish a robust and sophisticated digital structure that will

        Egypt Focuses on Digitization Services

        Egyptian  President  Abdel-Fattah  El-Sisi   for  Egyptian  society,”  El-Sisi  told  the   databases where all  information needed
        that  creating  comprehensive  databases   gathering,  describing  the  scheme as a   about  Egyptians  is  available  for  service
        of  all  information  about  Egyptians  is  a   “major national project.” The ambitious plan   providers.  El-Sisi  also  addressed  those
        matter of “national security,” underscoring   starts with  turning  the  canal  governorate   who  are  concerned  about  privacy,  saying
        the  importance  of  the  country’s  digital   of  Port  Said  into  a  digital  city  where  all   that personal data used  in the ambitious
        transformation efforts.  Speaking at  a   government  services  will  be  automated   plan “is handled with extreme privacy and
        youth  forum  in  televised  comments,  El-  by  the  end  of  the  year.  The  government   confidentiality and can never be revealed.”
        Sisi said that a major project to digitalize   intends to roll out the system nationwide   Under  the  planned  system,  Egyptians
        government  services  will  use  artificial   later on. The government is launching 18   will  be  able  to  contact  customer  service
        intelligence  (AI)  technology  to  allow   new  digital  government  services  in  the   numbers  and  have  services  delivered  to
        the  government  to  have  a  full  picture   governorate on Tuesday and is planning to   their  doorstep  instead  of  having  to  move
        of  financial  and  health  conditions  of   increase them to 174 services by the end   between  multiple  government  offices  for
        Egyptians,  identify  their  needs  and  offer   of this year, Communications Minister Amr   several days, Talaat said. The government
        proactive services before citizens request   Talaat  told the audience.  These  include   is also planning to launch  the “digital
        or apply for them. The system will replace   online  services,  mobile  applications,   signature” technology for the first time in
        extensive  surveys  Egypt  had  to  rely  on   communication services as well as special   Egypt in December since a law regulating it
        to  offer  social  services,  El-Sisi  said.   government  offices.  The  system,  which   was passed in 2004, the minister said. The
        Examples the president cited include using   can  verify  the  identities  of  citizens,  is   move,  which  involves  signing  contracts
        death  data  to  know  when  a  family  has   aimed at combating fraudulent practices,   and  official  documents  online,  is  aimed
        lost  its  breadwinner  and  needs  financial   ensuring  that subsidies  reach  those   at making  communication  between  the
        assistance,  verifying  those  entitled  to   entitled to them, and guaranteeing proper   government  and  investors  easier  and
        subsidies and identifying healthcare needs   management  of  government  resources,   finalizing business deals swiftly.
        in a given region. It is a matter of “national   the minister said. Egypt has so far created
        security to have comprehensive databases   around  60  interconnected,  AI-enabled

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