Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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        the  internet’s  next  billion  users.  Universal  Acceptance  (UA)  is   Finance  said.  Thanks  to  the  government’s  electronic  payment
        a  universal  requirement  and  prerequisite  for  attaining  a  truly   and  collection  system,  launched  in  May,  government  services
        multilingual  Internet,  particularly  for  domain  names  and  e-mail   have become more accessible to citizens at their actual prices,
        addresses in non-Latin characters. It is mandatory to facilitate   whether online or through payroll, bank, prepaid or credit cards,
        the usage of domain names and e-mail addresses in non-Latin   the  ministry  added  in  a  statement.    The  ministry  has  supplied
        characters  as  one of the most important  prerequisites  of the   all  administrative  bodies  nationwide  with  E-collection  systems;
        multilingual Internet in order to eliminate the obstacles that hinder   however, some of them have been found to be unused, the ministry
        the  enrichment  of  multilingual  content,  and  achieve  universal   said. The ministry further underscored the need to use the new
        acceptance.  As such, the Universal Acceptance Steering Group   systems  and  return  any  surplus  equipment  to  the  competent
        (UASG) has considered the development of all aspects related to   budget authority to avoid wasting public funds and exercise strict
        Internet systems and applications, such as domain names and   control over state investments. Prepaid cards are now available
        e-mail addresses one of the most significant criteria for universal   free of charge at the National Bank of Egypt (NBE), Banque Misr,
        acceptance so that they could deal in a manner consistent with   Bank  du  Caire  (BdC),  Agricultural  Bank  of  Egypt  (ABE)  and  the
        both Latin and non-Latin characters in terms of their acceptance,   Commercial International Bank (CIB) until the first of November,
        validation, storage and processing and display.        the  ministry  noted.    Citizens  could  now  pay  their  government
        (August 18, 2019)                           dues, which exceed EGP 500, at any of the 4,000 postal offices
                                                               nationwide  or  any  of  the  banks  subscribing  to  the  government
        Egypt is well on the way towards achieving digital transformation   E-payment system, the ministry added.
        and  attaining  the  goals  of  financial  inclusion,  the  Ministry  of   (August 13, 2019)


        Dr.  Sayyid  Babak  Ebrahimi,  Deputy  President  of  Strategy  and   ranks. He also expressed that by carrying out close cooperation
        Market Development at the Communications Regulatory Authority   with  international specialized organizations and implementing
        (CRA), announced that in accordance with the latest ranking by   a comprehensive set of appropriate plans to enhance country’s
        the International  Telecommunication  Union  (ITU), I.  R. of Iran   regulatory  status  and  gain  at  least  overall  score  of  85  in  the
        ranked 87th with overall score of 75 in 2017 and 77th with overall   coming  years  and  consequently,  Islamic  Republic  of  Iran  will
        score  of  82  (3rd  generation  regulator)  in  2018,  respectively.  In   achieve fourth-generation of regulatory.
        comparison  to  last  year,  it  has  grown  5  overall  scores  and  12   (August 14, 2019)


        The  International  Telecommunication  Union  (ITU)  has  recently   framework for best practices to measure the quality of services
        approved  the  final  version  of  the  TRA  recommendation  on   provided  and  covers  the  quality  of  mobile  phone  networks,
        measurement  campaigns,  monitoring  systems  and  sampling   characteristics  and  requirements  for  monitoring  systems  and
        methodologies  for  monitoring  the  quality  of  services  provided   scenarios for post-analysis of the required samples, as well as the
        through mobile phone networks. The Chairman of the Board of   sampling methodologies  used by system users, manufacturers
        Commissioners,  Dr.  Ghazi Al-Jabbour, stressed  the  importance   of used testing equipment and network measurement and data
        of this achievement, stressing the role played by the TRA at the   analysis agencies. And service providers to monitor the quality of
        international  level  as  one  of  the  influential  bodies  in  drawing   services at the national level. (August 21, 2019)
        up  the  relevant  policies  in  coordination  with  the  international
        institutions  concerned  with  the  development  and  development   Total  investments  in  the  mobile  phone  sector  stood  at  around
        of the telecommunications  sector.  As an  international  training   JD93 million during the last year, according to Telecommunication
        center in the field of quality of telecommunication services. Dr. Al-  Regulatory  Commission  Chief  Commissioner  Ghazi  Jbour.
        Jabbour pointed out that the recommendation was made by the   He  indicated  that  these  investments  amount  to  68  per  cent
        head of the quality control department representing the TRA in the   of  the  overall  investments  by  the  companies  operating  in
        ITU Study Group 12 during his participation in the ITU Conference   the  telecommunications  sector,  including  property,  technical
        (ITU-T SG 12). It applies to all users of quality control systems.   equipment and specialized computer programmes and machines,
        Jabour  added  that  the recommendation  describes  a  basic   according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra. Investments in fixed

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