Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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        be guiding the future investment in the sector and will be impactful   the study says. Common sources of e-waste include television
        for  the  next  15  years.  While  Banglalink  said  in  a  statement  it   sets, air-conditioners, computers, mobile phones, IT equipment,
        appreciates the initiative, as it will help simplify documentation   CFL bulbs, fridges, and electric fans. Such items contain precious
        and operational activities, it noted the proposal was not really a   metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron, and heavy metals. But they
        unified license but a consolidation of existing ones, the newspaper   may also contain mercury and lead, two of the most hazardous
        reported. Banglalink, the third largest operator in the country, said   metals for human health. The most common disposal method is
        it expects  Bangladesh  to follow the global  trend  of introducing   the burning of the waste in open pits. But this method releases
        licenses  which  allow  a  licensee  to  provide  any  service,  adding   toxic substances into the ecosystem and prevents extraction of
        that the new regime must be compatible with future technologies.   valuable metals from the waste materials. Stakeholders, therefore,
        BTRC opened a public consultation on the proposal, which closes   say a proper system is long overdue. (August 17, 2019)
        on 31 August. (August 27, 2019) The Daily Star
                                                               The Bangladesh government will use money from its $208 million
        The Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission (BTRC) plans   IT project  fund  to send  graduates  for blockchain  training in
        to take steps to ensure proper e-waste management of such stuff   Japan and India. Bangladesh authorities plan to send 100 new
        as  handsets, computers  and electrical  gadgets,  as their causal   IT graduates abroad to boost expertise in the fields of distributed
        disposal poses a risk to the environment and public health. BTRC   ledger  technology,  artificial  intelligence,  machine  learning  and
        Chairman Jahurul  Haque said:  “This  is  a  problem that  needs   cyber security. As a part of the initiative, the government will also
        to be resolved immediately. We are trying to make a regulation   send 200 graduates of computer science and software, electrical
        for e-waste  management  so  that  these items  are not dumped   and electronic  engineering  to learn about future trends  of
        haphazardly. We are now in the era of 4G. After introduction of 5G,   information technology, the report notes. The program description
        we will switch to full automation. Then the amount of e-waste will   is available on the official website of Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park
        increase.” The commission is yet to decide on the spending of a   Authority,  where  candidates  can  apply.  Candidates  under  age
        part of the social obligation fund (SOF) on e-waste management,   32 will  be required to take an exam with the Information  and
        BTRC  sources  said.  Environmentalists  say  the  increasing  use   Communication Technology (ICT) Division in order to qualify. Per
        of  electrical  and  electronic  devices  in  the  country  poses  a  big   the report, the program will be bankrolled by a governmental fund
        threat  to  the  environment  and  public  health.  They  stress  the   created in association with an Indian line of credit to establish
        need  for  effective  management  of  electronic  waste  (e-waste)   12 district ICT and hi-tech parks. Worth 17.96 billion Bangladeshi
        such as handsets, computers and electrical items. According to   taka  ($208  million),  the  project’s  fund  was  reportedly  launched
        a study conducted by the Bangladesh University of Engineering   for  implementation  in  July  2017,  and  will  last  until  June  2020.
        and Technology, the growth rate of e-waste generation is about   Institutions  of  higher  learning  around  the  world  have  been
        20  per  cent  per  year.  The  e-waste  contains  a  number  of  toxic   prioritizing  education  and  developing  programs  in  distributed
        substances, including lead, chromium and plastic additives. So,   ledger  technology.  In  June,  the  Canada-based  University  of
        their  indiscriminate  dumping  poses  health  and  environmental   British Columbia announced a blockchain and distributed ledger
        risks. In February, the BTRC had considered spending a part of   technology training program for Master’s and PhD students. Last
        the social obligation fund (SOF), created with contributions from   week, Ripple partnered with Kyoto University and the University
        telecom  operators, on  e-waste management.  According  to the   of Tokyo as part of its University Blockchain Research Initiative.
        Telecom Act, the SOF can be used only to extend telecom facilities   The University of Tokyo will award scholarships to students doing
        in remote areas. The study carried out last year found that the   blockchain  research,  while its economics  department arranges
        amount of e-waste rose to 4 lakh tons in 2018 from 1.30 lakh tons   seminars  on  blockchain  and  settlement.  At  Kyoto  University,
        in 2010. The volume is projected to be 46.2 lakh tons by 2035.   graduate students are conducting blockchain-related research in
        Recycling  of  scrap  and  second-hand  electrical  equipment  is  a   the areas of remittances and supply chain management, among
        profitable business in developing countries like Bangladesh, and   other spheres.
        13,300 tons of e-waste enter the recycling business every year,   (August 5, 2019)


        Within  the  framework  of  NTRA’a  effective  participation  in  the   Shams University participated in this event. They were supervised
        activities related to universal acceptance in collaboration with the   by some foreign experts from the Universal Acceptance Steering
        Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN),   Group and ICANN as speakers and evaluators of projects at the
        the  NTRA,  in  cooperation  with  the  Faculty  of  Computer  and   end  of  the  competition.  This  competition  aims  to  develop  the
        Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, hosted the Universal   skills  of  future  software  developers  and  raise  their  awareness
        Acceptance Hackathon during the period from 25 to 27 August   about the significance of universal acceptance and the impact of
        2019.  It  is  worth  noting  that  roughly  30  contestants  from  Ain   developing Internet programs and systems to be ready to receive

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