Page 8 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 8

        8      OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2024


             Digital Transformation with

             5G FWA and 5G-Advanced

        Across all geographies, including the   Digital transformation and        Digital transformation, however,
        SA-ME-NA and Central Asia regions,   digitally-powered socio-economic     requires predictable and sustainable
        based on the observations of the FWA   development are two pillars on     investments and partnerships, fit-
        Elite Club members and predictions   which multiple plans for the future   for-purpose collaborative policies
        from the Industry, 5G Fixed Wireless   rest – for example, economic sector   and just-the-right regulation, and
        Access (FWA) will continue to grow.   diversification, increasing productivity,   targeted demand-side approaches.
        This is so not only because of the   or fulfilling specific ambitions and   With digital transformation,
        much higher speeds afforded by       national plans. Digital transformation   many SDGs can be met, directly:
        5G FWA, but due to the end-to-end    processes require innovation, new    for example, human capacity-
        experience and choice that can       wireless technology adoption, as well   building and advancement through
        be offered with FWA. So, we have a   as investment and access to capital.   education and better healthcare;
        technology that carries tremendous   We must accelerate digital literacy   responsible production and efficient
        potential.                           and create more jobs. I see FWA as   consumption; controlling and
                                             a viable option for meeting these    reducing carbonisation; food and
        FWA can help focus the Industry’s    objectives.                          livelihood from agriculture; quality
        efforts on digital inclusion, and in                                      and sustainability-conscious urban
        making our goals of “connecting the                                       living; democratisation and improved
        unconnected” more cost-effective,         FWA can help focus              participation in and benefit from
        and more achievable. Various             the Industry’s efforts           digitally-inclusive government
        SDGs demand innovation. In this                                           services.
                                                  on digital inclusion,
        regard, if we look at FWA purely
                                                   and in making our
        as an innovation, we can see that                                         With digital transformation arrives a
                                                 goals of “connecting
        its impact is far-reaching. At both                                       need to revisit and revive enabling
        the ITU and the UN Broadband               the unconnected”               regulatory frameworks, which must
        Commission, SAMENA Council is             more cost-effective,            be adjusted to stimulate investment
        strongly contributing to broadband       and more achievable.             while maintaining a healthy level of
        development strategies and                                                innovation, competition, and market
                                                Various SDGs demand
        innovative ways for engaging                                              resilience. There is no true digital
                                                   innovation. In this
        potential contributors, especially                                        transformation if these factors are
                                               regard, if we look at FWA
        through new approaches to                                                 not in play.
        funding broadband infrastructure       purely as an innovation,
        development. FWA is a great option         we can see that its            Advancements in 5G have a direct
        for expanding advanced broadband        impact is far-reaching.           correlation with enhancing purposeful
        connectivity infrastructure.                                              and sustainable connectivity, and

        This article was originally published in HuaweiTech.
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