Page 4 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 4

        4      OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2024


                                                     FWA on a Path

                                                     to Growth

                 Bocar A. BA
                 Chief Executive Officer
                 & Board Member
                 SAMENA Telecommunications

                The Middle East region is leading on the 5G and   user growth. In emerging markets, FWA, as
                5G FWA fronts, as we will observe in this edition   an affordable high-speed home broadband
                of SAMENA ELITE, with Omantel and stc Bahrain   access solution, helps operators quickly recover
                sharing their views on FWA. This affirms a strong   investment costs. In developed FWA markets such
                business case for 5G FWA, and is becoming one of   as the Middle East, FWA helps operators increase
                the best services for operators to achieve business   their market share and revenue. FWA has made
                success in the 5G era. Industry findings show that   remarkable contributions to digital inclusion by
                pioneer operators are constantly driving revenue   enabling more families to enjoy digital services,
                growth from early FWA investments. Since the    at the same, FWA enabling SME easier connection
                commercial use of 5G in 2019, more than 50% of   with 5G private line.
                the world's 5G operators have put 5G FWA into
                commercial use.                                 Advancements such as 3 component carrier
                                                                aggregation (3CC) can allow Operators to
                5G FWA is popular around the world due to its   combine three different frequency bands to create
                excellent experience, fast time to market, and low   a much larger overall bandwidth, significantly
                initial cost. In developed countries such as those   increasing data transfer rates, and making 5G
                in Europe, FWA and optical fibers are developed   value-proposition much stronger. Moreover,
                in a coordinated manner. FWA is deployed in     advancements in terminal devices such as 5G
                areas with less optical fibers to achieve rapid   CPEs that support 3CC CA have been marketed,

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