Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 64


        TRA Oman Organizes Workshop on 3G 'Shutdown' Plans

        As part of the preparations for the gradual   such as the banking sector, public services,   stopping 3G services and identifying  the
        stopping  of 3G  Internet  services,  the   and oil and gas, which are expected to be   challenges to ensure the ease of transition
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority   affected by the suspension. The workshop   to the 4G and 5G services. The workshop
        (TRA)  organized  a  workshop for sectors   was aimed at  discussing  the  reasons  for   reviewed  international  experiences  in
                                                                                 stopping 3G services, and the participants
                                                                                 were briefed on the numbers and types of
                                                                                 devices that operate only with 3rd network.
                                                                                 By  stopping  3G  services,  the  authority
                                                                                 seeks  to invest  in  modern and  advanced
                                                                                 technologies,  improve  network  efficiency,
                                                                                 reduce  operations  and  maintenance
                                                                                 costs, keep pace with the acceleration and
                                                                                 technological  development,  and  improve
                                                                                 sustainability, which enhances the security
                                                                                 and  safety  of information  and  networks
                                                                                 and  enhances  the  experience  of users  of
                                                                                 4G and 5G networks. TRA will carry out a
                                                                                 limited experiment to stop the 3G services,
                                                                                 according to plans prepared in coordination
                                                                                 with  the  telecommunications  companies,
                                                                                 to identify the challenges in preparation for
                                                                                 the start of the gradual suspension in the
                                                                                 third quarter of the year 2024.

        Ofcom UK Urges Industry Progress on Phone Number Porting

        The UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, has written to the Office of the   done separately, which can attract extra porting costs. In fairness,
        Telecoms Adjudicator (OTA) as part of efforts to encourage the   Ofcom has at least managed to introduce a “Right to Port“, which
        adoption of changes to improve phone number porting between   requires  phone  operators to provide  phone  number porting  to
        providers, ideally in time for the revised launch of the One Touch   customers that request it for at least 30 days after the termination
        Switch (OTS) migration system for broadband ISPs. At present the   of a contract, unless  the  customer expressly  agrees  otherwise
        OTS system, which has suffered significant delays (here) and isn’t   when  ending  their  contract (mobile  operators do this  too). This
        now expected to be introduced until 14th March 2024, is primarily   makes it harder for ISPs to shun any responsibility when a number
        focused on making  it  quicker and  easier  for consumers on any   goes missing during a switch. However, the OTA has been working
        broadband provider to switch ISP – regardless of the underlying   with  the  telecoms  industry  to  explore  further  improvements  to
        physical  network. Phone  number porting  is  also  covered  by the   number portability, which is something that Ofcom has been trying
        OTS system, but it doesn’t really do much in terms of tackling some   to keep aligned to the OTS system for hopefully obvious reasons.
        of the long-standing problems with number portability itself. For   Sadly, progress  on this  front has  been  generally  a bit  unclear,
        example, trying to split your home number out from a broadband   although the regulator has just written a new Open Letter to the
        package (e.g. in order to put it on a VoIP line) remains a tedious   OTA  that  appears  to  highlight  some  positive  developments
        nightmare  (details),  which can result  in  disconnection.  Number   (“express porting “).
        porting also remains a somewhat slow and manual process when

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