Page 3 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
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Evolution of Connectivity beyond 5G
Until 2030, and between now and then, led initiatives and consumer-driven demand
there is considerable progress that we for mobile services against the backdrop of
need to make on multiple fronts, which prioritized economic diversification in the
includes provisioning meaningful access region.
to connectivity and achieving beneficial
utilization of the 5th generation technologies However, the region should also continue to
that our industry has created. Moreover, there inspire neighboring regions, such as Central
is now an emerging concept of creating a 10 Asia, in its mobile technology evolution
Gigabit society in the region; an aspiration from 3G, to 4G, and now increasingly 5G.
that SAMENA Council is supporting fully in The development of 5G in such regions
collaboration with its Members. is largely dependent on macro-economic
development, political stability, and
The Middle East is among the world's very improvements in the standard of living that
first regions to adopt 5G, and is home to would predicate demand. This is so, because
some of the most well-defined ICT and the rollout of 5G technology requires a
economic diversification visions in the stable state and competitive industries to Bocar A. BA
Chief Executive Officer
world, translated into action by progressive develop the necessary infrastructure. The & Board Member
regulatory authorities working tirelessly to long-term benefits of 5G may seem far-off SAMENA Telecommunications
support the private sector in its business and in the distant future for most of the regions, Council
digital transformational endeavors. All GCC but even small-scale development could
states have now launched 5G commercial still make crucial contributions for these
services, thereby setting a strong foundation economies. We are certainly seeing growth increasingly houses a highly diversified
for dramatically evolutionary trends to in Central Asian countries with respect to group of digital consumers.
take place, including the emergence of 5G digital services, which can greatly scale
Advanced. out on 5G infrastructure. Initiatives led by High-level harmonization of policy and
Kundalik in Kazakhstan are some notable regulatory efforts in collaboration with
As we move toward setting new objectives in examples. Telecom Operators and Technology
the region with respect to gigabit broadband Providers is crucial in getting the most
and beyond, it is important to maximize Businesses in the Middle East region out of the digital innovations, including
the true potential of 5G and creating a that build global digital platforms, such evolving 5G to its natural next phase.
foundation for beneficial, real-life use cases as Yandex, will be central to the digital In order to address impediments to
and sustainable advancements in the future, economy of the region. Focus on digital 5G adoption and to bring the benefits
should be a top priority. innovation and ability of choice given to of 5G to the region and to “Bring 5.5G
end-users, for example, through choice to Reality” or to build “10 Giga Digital
For the region to benefit from 5G, the screens, can have a direct role on digital Infrastructure for Accelerating a
investors, the Telecom Operators, must be economic development of the region. Robust & Sustainable Digital Economy”
much better incentivized. In turn, and for However, the enablement of such platforms in the Middle East and neighboring
such large infrastructure investments to take requires adjusting regulatory approaches, regions, we need to orient ourselves
place, some right drivers need to be put and setting better incentives, adopting agility to sustainable digital development,
kept in place. 5G-centric endeavors in the and evidence-based regulation (including acknowledge efforts of key industry
region need to remain an outcome of mutual sandboxes) to account for emerging trends players, and, together, execute better
enablement; a result of both government- within the digital ecosystem, which now forms of collaboration.