Page 8 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 8
Huawei's Ken Hu Calls on ICT Industry to Work Together on Next Stage of
5G Development
Rotating Chairman of Huawei, Ken Hu, subscriber base, network coverage, and There are currently 176
delivered a keynote during Huawei's 12th the sheer number of 5G terminals on the
annual Global Mobile Broadband Forum market." commercial 5G networks
(MBBF) in Dubai, drawing attention to around the globe, serving
important imperatives in 5G development. Hu outlined three areas of opportunity that
will drive the next stage of 5G's growth, more than 500 million sub-
He spoke on the current state of 5G including XR services, the B2B market, and scribers. In the consumer
development and new opportunities low-carbon development. space, average 5G down-
moving forward. "In just five years of
commercial deployment, 5G has provided a The current state of global 5G development load speeds are roughly
considerable upgrade in mobile experience There are currently 176 commercial 10 times greater than 4G,
for consumers, and it's already starting to 5G networks around the globe, serving
empower different industries around the more than 500 million subscribers. In the which has fueled broader
globe. Progress was much faster than consumer space, average 5G download adoption of applications
we expected, especially in terms of the speeds are roughly 10 times greater like VR and 360º broad-
than 4G, which has fueled broader
adoption of applications like VR and 360º casting.
Supported By
broadcasting. In the enterprise space,
there are already 10,000 projects exploring replicated at scale. While progress has
B2B applications of 5G (5GtoB) around been steady, Hu noted that there are still
the world. 5G applications in industries some areas for improvement. "Right now
like manufacturing, mining, and ports more than half of these 10,000 5GtoB
have already passed trial and are being projects are in China. We have a huge