Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 43


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        UAE Ranked in Top 10 in World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2021

                                                                                 64  economies  covered  by  the  WCY.  The
                                                                                 rankings are calculated on the basis of the
                                                                                 52 ranked criteria: 32 Hard and 20 Survey
                                                                                 data. Based on research, the methodology
                                                                                 of  the  WDC  ranking  defines  digital
                                                                                 competitiveness  into three  main factors:
                                                                                 Knowledge  Technology  Future  readiness
                                                                                 In turn, each of these factors is divided into
                                                                                 3 sub-factors which highlight every facet
                                                                                 of the areas analyzed. Altogether, the WDC
                                                                                 features 9 such sub-factors. In this year’s
                                                                                 report, the  UAE topped  MENA countries,
                                                                                 ranking first in all key categories, as well
                                                                                 as  fifth  globally  in  "Technology,"  12th  in
                                                                                 "Readiness  for  the  Future,"  and  jumping
                                                                                 13  places  to  18th  in  "Knowledge."  In  the
        The   UAE  has   achieved  a  major  best practices when embarking on digital   report’s  nine  sub-factors,  the  UAE  was
        international  milestone  by  being ranked   transformation. Speaking about this major   ranked first globally in "Talent," advancing
        in tenth place in the  World Digital   achievement, Mohammad bin Abdullah Al   four places compared to last year’s report,
        Competitiveness Ranking 2021 issued by   Gergawi,  Minister  of  Cabinet  Affairs  and   as well as second globally in "Regulatory
        the  IMD  World  Competitiveness  Center   President of the Emirates Competitiveness   framework," fifth globally in "Technological
        (WCC)  of  the  International  Institute  for   Council, said that the UAE’s top ten rating in   framework,"  25th  globally  in  "Education
        Management   Development  (IMD)  in  the World Digital Competitiveness Ranking   and training,"  and 10th globally in
        Lausanne,  Switzerland. According to the   2021 is a new achievement, which is part of   "Business  agility"  and  "IT  integration."
        2021 ranking the UAE has lead the middle   its efforts to enhance its prominent stature   The  UAE  was  ranked  first  globally  in
        East and North African and outperformed   as one of the world’s best countries. "The   four  indexes,  which  are  "Cybersecurity",
        some major  economies,  such as  Finland,   UAE  has  proven  its  ability  to  overcome   "Net flow  of international  students,"
        Canada,  the  United  Kingdom,  Australia,   challenges  and turn them into inspiring   "Immigration laws" and "mobile broadband
        China,  Germany,  France,  Japan  and   opportunities, due to  the visions of   subscribers." The country  was  ranked
        Belgium.  The  UAE  (18th  in  2017,  10th  in   President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin   second  globally  in "Foreign highly-skilled
        2021) shows strong advancements as its   Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Highness Sheikh   personnel,"   "International   experience"
        digital competitiveness has been boosted   Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice   and "Attitudes toward globalization," and
        by increasing  investments  in digital   President,  Prime  Minister  and  Ruler  of   third globally in "Management  of cities,"
        technologies in the private sector as well   Dubai, and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed   "Companies’ use of big data and analytics,"
        as  the development of  e-government   bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu   and "Opportunities and threats." The UAE
        services.  Now  in  its  fifth  year,  the  IMD   Dhabi  and  Deputy  Supreme  Commander   advanced  significantly  in  several  indexes
        World  Digital  Competitiveness  Ranking   of the UAE  Armed Forces," he added.   in  the  report,  jumping  31  places  in  both
        measures the capacity and readiness   "This achievement is to be  added  to the   "internet  users"  taking the  4th globally,
        of  64  economies  to  adopt  and  explore   country’s record in global competitiveness   and  "Higher  education  achievement",
        digital technologies  as a key driver for   and highlights its  ability  to  keep pace   comin16th  globally.  The  country  also
        economic  transformation in  business,   with  its  significant  new  government   jumped  22 positions in the "Mobile
        government  and  wider  society.  Based  on   work  approach. It  also  highlights the   broadband  Subscribers"  index,  ranking
        a mixture of hard data and survey replies   government’s  future  aspirations  and   12th globally, as well as nine positions in
        from business and government executives,   its  strategic goal  to achieve overall   the "Women with degrees" index, reaching
        the digital  rankings help  governments   progress,"  he further added. The IMD   tenth place globally.
        and companies  to  understand  where to   World  Digital  Competitiveness  Ranking
        focus their resources and what  might be   presents the 2021 overall rankings for the

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