Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        Botswana Telecommunications  Corporation  Ltd Doubles Capacity on

        Spacecom’s AMOS-7 in Multi-Year Satellite Services Deal

        Spacecom, operator of the AMOS satellite   to provide improved broadband service to   and beyond. Satellite communication via
        fleet,  and  Botswana  Telecommunications   industries operating outside major towns   AMOS-7  is  facilitating  our growth and
        Corporation   Limited   (BTC)   today   e.g. Tourism,  Agriculture, Construction,   fulfilling  our  purpose,  which  is  to  provide
        announced  that  BTC  is  doubling  its   Banking,  etc.  and  offer  Community  Wi-Fi   superior  communication  solutions to
        capacity on AMOS-7  communication    Hotspots, Safer Cities, Smart Farming and   Botswana  anywhere  and  everywhere  to
        satellite KU-beams.  With this new   Business  Continuity  services  throughout   enable them to live connected.” Spacecom
        capacity,  BTC  is  adding  cellular  backhaul   the  country.  Spacecom’s  Vertical  CEO  and President David  Pollack  stated,
        and various long-distance communication   Solutions Division is working closely with   “By  the  end  of  2019,  Spacecom  will
        services  to  enhance   rural  area  the company to assist in implementation   have three  satellites servicing Africa:
        connectivity.  AMOS-7’s  KU-band beams   of infrastructure for the new  services.   AMOS-7,  AMOS-4  and AMOS-17.  The
        enable mobility  by  providing high data   According to Anthony Masunga, Managing   ongoing  cooperation  with  BTC  signifies
        rates for communications-on-the-move   Director of BTC, “Once again we are working   the success of our strategy marrying our
        irrespective of location  in country.  Thus,   with  Spacecom  to bolster our  business   satellite’s communications capabilities to
        BTC is able to offer e-learning, e-medicine,   offerings. BTC is adding new and exciting   the  proficiency  of  our  Vertical  Solutions
        e-commerce and other e-government    services that will  go far to reduce  our   Division to deliver superior  Turn-Key
        services  to  residents  countrywide  country’s digital divide and offer citizens in   solutions with our partners.”
        wherever they  are, even when  they  are   previously underserved areas more options
        traveling.  The  capacity  also  allows  BTC   to  communicate  throughout  Botswana

        Egypt Kicks Off Construction of MisrSat-II Satellite

        Egyptian Space  Agency, in tandem with   MisrSat-II  project,  Egypt will  be the very   under  the  Belt  and  Road  Initiative.  Let’s
        China National  Space Administration,   first  African  country  to  have  complete   note the construction phase is expected to
        kicked  off the  construction  of the   satellite assembly, testing, and integration   last 35 months and MisrSat-II will have a
        MisrSat-II  satellite.  This was  during the   capabilities.  It  will  also  be  the  first-ever   5-year lifetime.
        fourth China-Arab States Expo held  from   successful  space  cooperation  with  China
        September  5 to  8  in à  Ningxia, China.
        Fundraising  for the project was  closed
        in  January  this  year  and the  Chinese
        government  contributed  a  total of $140
        million. The new space equipment will help
        Egypt implement its development plans in
        many areas, according to Ahmed al-Rafie,
        the project manager.  He said Egyptian
        engineers and their Chinese counterparts
        will  also  collaborate  in the construction
        of Egypt’s  Assembly, Integration and
        Testing center. “The design phases will be
        carried out in parallel in Egypt and China,
        but the assembly  and integration of the
        satellite will be done in Egypt at Egyptian
        Satellite Assembly, Integration  and Test
        Center. This will provide  the  Egyptian
        side with experience  in  the development
        of satellite space systems,” said Mr.  al-
        Rafie.  According  to  Liao  Liqiang,  China’s
        ambassador to Egypt, at  the end of the

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