Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 92


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        First UAE Astronaut Lifts Off with U.S and Russian Space Station Crew

        Soyuz MS-15 crew members Oleg Skripochka, Hazzaa AlMansoori
        and Jessica Meir wave from the base of their Soyuz-FG rocket
        prior to boarding the vehicle on September 25, 2019. The United
        Arab Emirates (UAE) has now become the 40th country in history
        to see one of its citizens fly into space with the launch of a crew
        bound for the International Space Station. Hazzaa AlMansoori, a
        spaceflight participant flying under a contract between Russia’s
        space agency  and the UAE’s  Mohammed bin Rashid Space
        Centre  (MBRSC),  lifted  off  with  cosmonaut  Oleg  Skripochka  of
        Roscosmos and astronaut Jessica Meir of NASA on Wednesday
        (September  25).  The  three  launched  on board Russia’s Soyuz
        MS-15 spacecraft at 9:57 a.m. EDT (1457 GMT or 6:57 p.m. local
        time)  atop  a  Soyuz  FG  rocket  from  the  Baikonur  Cosmodrome
        in  Kazakhstan.  The  flight  marked  the  final  scheduled  use  of
        Gagarin’s  Start, the launch  pad  where cosmonaut  Yuri Gagarin
        lifted off on April 12, 1961 to become the first human to fly into
        space. Roscosmos officials have said that the historic pad, also
        known as  Site 1,  will  be upgraded to support  a  more modern
        version of the Soyuz rocket, but when that work will be completed
        is presently unknown. Nine minutes after leaving Gagarin’s Start,
        Skripochka, Meir and AlMansoori entered Earth orbit to begin their
        journey to the International Space Station (ISS). Following a four-
        orbit rendezvous, the Soyuz is scheduled to dock to the station’s   we’re flying him; he’s going to work as a full-fledged crew member
        Zvezda service  module  at  3:45 p.m.  EDT (2045  GMT). “It  is a   of our crew,” said Skripochka at a press conference on Tuesday.
        unique responsibility and a unique opportunity to bring aboard the   “But it does bring a certain level of attention to our crew. It is a
        station the first astronaut from the United Arab Emirates. Not that   historic event to say the least.”

        Algerie  Telecom Satellite Selects Hughes  JUPITER for Residential/SME

        Algérie Telecom Satellite (ATS), the leading   right economics,” said  Yassine Sellahi,   providers.” The  JUPITER System is the
        public  satellite  telecommunications  chief  executive  officer,  ATS.  “We  chose   next-generation  Very  Small  Aperture
        provider in  Algeria, has  selected  the   the Hughes JUPITER System for these   Terminal (VSAT) platform from  Hughes
        Hughes JUPITER™  System to enable    reasons and, also, for its scalability as we   for broadband  services over both high-
        satellite broadband  service to home   look to grow our satellite Internet business   throughput  and  conventional  satellites.
        users  and small-to-medium enterprise   and extend connectivity everywhere.” “Our   Employing  the  DVB-S2X  standard  for
        (SME)  customers.  The mission of ATS   strategy globally is to help  connect  the   highly efficient use of satellite bandwidth,
        is  to develop and promote satellite   unconnected by delivering service directly   the JUPITER System powers  services  on
        telecommunications  throughout  Algeria,   where  we  operate  the business,  and  to   more than 40 satellites around the world,
        the tenth-largest country  in the world   work  with selected partners, like ATS, in   and is  the foundation for HughesNet®,
        and the largest in Africa. ATS will launch   places where we do not,”  said  Ramesh   the flagship satellite Internet service
        satellite Internet service employing the   Ramaswamy,  senior vice president and   from Hughes,  with more than 1.4  million
        market-leading JUPITER System, including   general  manager, International Division,   subscribers in the Americas. The JUPITER
        a  hub and thousands of user terminals.   Hughes. “We appreciate the opportunity   System  supports  applications  such
        “To connect people throughout  Algeria   to help  ATS launch  service throughout   as  community Wi-Fi  hotspots, cellular
        with satellite broadband service, we need   Algeria, and to bring the benefits of high-  backhaul,  and  in-flight  connectivity
        a  satellite platform that  can deliver high   speed  Internet  access to the many that   services, in addition to broadband Internet
        performance  and  efficiency,  with  the   are unserved or under-served by terrestrial   access.
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