Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        Huawei, said: “The development of human   A total of US$1.3 billion is saved.  transformer  adopts  the  ‘software-defined
        civilization is  closely linked with  energy   5G Mining Solution        terminal’ design concept and uses an open
        evolution. A hundred years ago, the large-  Huawei and Yuexin Intelligent  Machinery   edge  computing  architecture.  Upgrade
        scale usage of electric  power marked   collaborated  to develop  applications   and additional  features  can be  applied
        the beginning  of the second  industrial   with  5G  technology.  By  using  the  Ultra-  flexibly through  apps, enhancing the
        revolution. Communications technologies,   Reliable  Low-Latency  Communication   configuration of resources and improving
        such as  2G, 3G,  and 4G, ushered in  the   (URLLC) feature of 5G networks,  Huawei   response  to requirement  changes  by the
        third industrial revolution  and connected   successfully  applied  5G networks to the   power distribution network.  The product
        people  together.  Now, 5G, AI, cloud,  and   largest molybdenum mine in China and   implements  innovative  plug-and-play
        many other innovation information and   enabled  autonomous driving  of mining   and interconnection between  devices. It
        communications  technologies  (ICTs) are   trucks and  remote control of excavators.   conducts  local comprehensive  analysis
        bringing in the fourth industrial revolution.   On-site  excavators  in  another mine in   and intelligent decision-making on various
        5G features high speed,  low latency,   Luoyang, China, can be remotely controlled   types of collected  data  and effectively
        and large capacity, allowing ubiquitous   from Huawei’s exhibition hall in Shenzhen   supports  service  requirements  such as
        connectivity. AI highlights high computing   via  the 5G network.  The  two locations   power failure analysis,  power distribution
        power,  low  power consumption,  and all-  are over 2,000 kilometers apart.  Using   device  status  management,  electric
        scenario application, enabling  pervasive   the  Enhanced  Mobile  Broadband  (eMBB)   vehicle charging control, and high-quality
        intelligence. Cloud supports virtualization,   feature of 5G networks, mining companies   customer  service.  While being  promoted
        ultra-large scale, and high  scalability,   can conduct AI-based analytics for a large   and applied in China, the product developed
        permitting  extensive sharing. Together,   number of on-site videos captured by fixed   to fully meet  the comprehensive energy
        they  fuel digital  transformation of all   and mobile cameras to facilitate precise   service requirements of electric power
        industries and build the foundation for the   and  efficient  mining.  5G  technology  will   customers, is widely recognized, and is a
        future digital world. Huawei is dedicated to   help reduce many  manual  operations  in   warmly welcomed addition to the industry.
        cooperating with partners and customers   the mining industry and enable unmanned   Global Electric Power Industry Ecosystem
        to make intelligent energy a reality”.  smart mining in the future.      Layout
        5G Sharing Base Station Solution     Intelligent  AI  Power Line Inspection   Huawei has more than 100 partners
        5G base stations use high  frequency   Solution                          in electric  power  worldwide,  and has
        bands and have  small  coverage, leading   Huawei  and  Zhiyang  Innovation  joined multiple  international standards
        to  high base station density.  Therefore,   jointly  developed  an  intelligent  power   organizations, including  the International
        ‘limited space  for multiple  sites’ has   transmission  solution.  The  solution  Electrotechnical  Commission  (IEC),
        become  a  restriction  that  hinders  fast   integrates  front-end  reasoning, cloud-  International  Telecommunication
        deployment of 5G networks.  Huawei   based training,  and cloud-edge synergy.   Union (ITU), Institute of Electrical and
        provides a  new  solution for building  5G   It  uses Huawei’s  Ascend  AI  processors   Electronics Engineers  (IEEE),  CIGRE, and
        base stations  on substations,  which   to build an intelligent power transmission   China Electricity  Council  (CEC).  Huawei
        appropriately  addresses  this issue. The   monitoring  system. Huawei Atlas  200   has served as a member of more than 10
        solution  enables  energy suppliers, tower   AI acceleration  modules  with embedded   industry associations, organizations, and
        providers, and carriers to benefit by sharing   Ascend  AI processors  are integrated   alliances, for example, the Chinese Society
        infrastructure resources. Energy suppliers   into pole  and tower monitoring  units.   for Electrical Engineering  (CSEE), Global
        provide physical  bases for substations,   After  installation, the units can perform   Energy  Interconnection  Development
        which  carriers can  use  to deploy 5G   intelligent  analysis for the  poles  and   and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO),
        base stations.  Carriers lease substation   towers. The modules work with the cloud   and China  Smart  Metering Infrastructure
        cabinets and power supply from  energy   to update detection algorithms in real time   Alliance. Over 30  proposals have been
        providers to ensure uninterruptible power   and automatically  monitor  and transmit   submitted.  Earlier in 2018, Huawei and
        supply (UPS) for 5G base stations. Using   potential hazards  such as  mechanical   IEEE IOT IC jointly published IEEE P1901.1,
        Huawei’s  unique  5G  antenna technology,   intrusion,  foreign objects,  and bird nests   the Standard  for  Smart  Grid Power Line
        tower providers are able to fully  utilize   to the  monitoring center  with no manual   Communication  (SGPLC). In August,
        and integrate their  tower resources  by   assistance.  In  this  way,  the  efficiency  of   Huawei HiSilicon officially published IEEE
        mounting  multiple types of antennas   power  line inspection  is improved  more   1901.1.1  Standard Test Procedures for
        onto one mono-pole tower. In September   than  five  times  that  of  the  traditional   IEEE  1901.1.  The  Standard is formulated
        2019, China Unicom Nanjing successfully   method, and secure and stable power line   in compliance  with other  IEEE standards.
        deployed  such a base  station. The   operation is ensured.              It  promotes development  and application
        construction  period  has been  shortened   Intelligent Distribution Transformer + Edge   of medium frequency (less than 12 MHz)
        from 30 days to only one day, significantly   Computing                  power  line communication  in related
        reducing  the construction  cost.  In   Huawei,  China Electric Power Research   fields  and  provides  guidance  and  a
        addition, a large amount of land, pipelines,   Institute, State  Grid Shandong  Electric   standard reference for the evolution of
        transmission,  and power  is saved. Land   Power, State Grid Jiangsu  Electric   new technology. The IEEE 1901.1 Standard
        acquisition is reduced by 840,000 square   Power,  NARI  Group,  and  XJ  Group  jointly   also plays an important role in guiding and
        meters, which is equivalent to 117 football   launched a new type of smart distribution   standardizing the application of  HPLC  in
        courts, and 420,000 tons of steel is saved.   transformer.  The new smart  distribution   the industry globally.
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