Page 14 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 14


        Broadband Comission Report on Child Safety Online Launched at the UN

        On October 1 2019, the co-chairs of the Broadband Commission   stein, President & CEO of Childhood USA, and Zain Group CEO of
        Working Group on Child Online Safety, Childhood USA and Zain   Operations, Scott Gegenheimer who co-chair the working group.
        Group,  the leading mobile  telecom innovator in eight  markets
        across  the Middle East  and  North  Africa, announced  the   A key point made in the report is that we need to prioritize child
        publication of a new report on Child Online Safety: Minimizing the   online  safety, especially  in anticipation  of the expansion  of the
        Risk of Violence, Abuse and Exploitation Online. The report is a   broadband  in the developing  world where most children live
        collective effort and draws upon the expertise of the Braodband   today.  All the stakeholders,  governments,  regulators,  operators,
        Commissioners and  experts from around the world. The report   internet service providers, NGOs and civil society and academia
        was presented at a high-level meeting at the UN, “Children & the   have to join forces in implementing common strategies to make
        Digital World: Threats and Opportunities”. Queen Silvia of Sweden,   the internet  safer for children in order to help prepare future
        who founded  Childhood  twenty years ago, delivered a  keynote   generations  to thrive in the digital space. These  steps include
        address.                                               incorporating measures addressing child online protection in the
                                                               national broadband plans, ensuring that applications and services
        Actionable  recommendations  for  how  to  prioritize children’s   are age-appropriate and safe per design,  and that we deploy
        online safety                                          technology-driven solutions to improve child online safety.
        Broadband connectivity brings many benefits to children, includ-
        ing access to education and entertainment, it also has a dark side   Necessity of taking action now
        to it as it exposes children to major risks and threats online as   Commenting  on  the publication  of the report, Dr.  Joanna
        well as different forms of violence and exploitation, such as child   Rubinstein said “Millions of children are online every day using
        sexual exploitation and abuse, bullying and radicalization, among   digital devices. They benefit from getting access to information,
        other critical vulnerabilities.  The new Child Online Safety report   education and entertainment. However, they are also exposed to
        gathers the available  evidence  on the scale and nature of  the   abuse and exploitation including sexual abuse, bullying and even
        risks and harms children face online and provides actionable rec-  radicalization. It is our duty to prevent this from happening and
        ommendations for how to prioritize children’s online safety. The   requires collective action. This report demonstrates the necessity
        report was developed under the leadership of Dr. Joanna Rubin-  of taking action now and sheds light on how we can take practical

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