Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        swiftly  address  the  changing  connectivity   conducted demos connecting remote   organised  a series  of 3G  and  4G  demos
        demands  of their  customers.”  The  latest   villages  in  Kazakhstan  using  SES’s  first-  with  leading  mobile  network operators,
        agreement  highlights  the  deepening  of   generation  O3b  satellites,  setting record-  such as  Kcell,  proving  O3b  mPOWER’s
        the  partnership  between  SES  and  RCSC   breaking  speeds via satellite recorded   ability to easily expand local networks with
        to  evaluate  and  bring  NGSO  capabilities   in  the  country (380Mbps  downlink  and   satellite-enabled connectivity.
        to the  country.  In  2021,  both  companies   120Mbps  uplink).  Additionally, SES also

                                             Mandatory  Inherent Defects  Insurance  in Saudi

        As  per  report  issued  by  Simmons  &  Sim-  and the standard policy wording, which was   sider what it is not designed to meet. We
        mons; In June 2018, the Kingdom of Saudi   only introduced in March 2020, remains un-  also look at the potential problems with its
        Arabia (KSA) became the first of the Gulf   tested.  In  the  meantime,  Market  interest   application and highlight some of the ques-
        Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to in-  in the product remains high, and there are   tions  it  raises.  For  example:  What  benefit
        troduce mandatory inherent defects insur-  perhaps some unrealistic expectations of,   does the contractor obtain from the policy?
        ance (IDI) for construction projects in the   and confusion about, what the policy is de-  Can the contractor/designer be named as
        private  sector. Whilst  this  insurance has   signed to cover, its scope, who can benefit   an insured? Does the insurer retain subro-
        been mandatory in KSA for four years now,   from it and how it will operate in practice.   gation rights? How does this cover interact
        its integration has been staggered, many of   In this paper, we seek to explain what risks   with  other  insurances  that  might  be  ob-
        the projects to which it applies are unlikely   this policy is designed to meet and whether   tained in respect of construction projects?
        to have  reached practical  completion  yet   it does so and, of equal importance, con-

                                             stc Bahrain Launches Its Latest Fiber Campaign

        stc Bahrain, a world-class digital enabler, has   at  better  prices  with  many  benefits.”  The   about  their  fiber  broadband  services.  The
        launched  its  fiber  campaign  with  exciting   launch of the  campaign also aims to   campaign  is  launched  in  light  of the  new
        offers  to  existing  and  new  customers,   educate consumers about fiber broadband   study launched by the Telecommunications
        including  a  six-month  free  subscription.   networks  and  to  help  them  distinguish   Regulatory Authority that shows Bahrain’s
        Customers will be able to enjoy free fiber for   between various service offerings. “All fiber   fiber broadband plans are the cheapest in
        six months starting from BD 5.5 a month.   is the same” is the theme of the campaign,   the GCC. Based on the latest market data,
        Those  who switch  to stc  Bahrain  will  be   communicating  the  fact that  all  telecom   around 65  percent  of households  in  the
        given the same fiber broadband quality with   operators  provide  fiber  of  equal  quality   Kingdom  have  fiber  broadband  services,
        higher benefits and competitive prices. stc   and speed, providing  consumers with  the   compared  to  42  percent  in  2019,  an
        Bahrain  is  also  offering twelve months   knowledge  they need  to make decisions   increase in subscriptions by 34 percent.
        free  stc  TV (including  OSN)  and  Shahid
        VIP  subscription,  open  to  customers who
        are subscribed to select  stc plans.  Karim
        Tabbouche,  Chief  Consumer  Officer  at
        stc Bahrain, said: “As more households in
        Bahrain are using fiber broadband, we are
        excited to be offering customers exclusive
        fiber offers when they switch to stc so that
        they can enjoy the same high-quality fiber
        with higher benefits and competitive prices.
        We are also proud to be a top choice by our
        customers for our value-added  offerings,
        rates,  quality customer  service, and high-
        network connectivity  services. Customers
        will  be  offered  the  same  quality  services

                                                                                            76   SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2022
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