Page 2 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 2

11 January, 2023

     Sustainable ICT Development

     The Future of Digital Visions &
     Cross-Industry Innovation

                                                                                     Fairmont Riyadh
                                                                                     Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

     The SAMENA Council RISE (Rising for Industry Sustainability &        Achievement & Outcome Driven
     Eciencies) Conference is about rising to new challenges and making   Discussion, Supporting KSA Vision 2030
     progress as new digital applications, services, platforms, and new   Championing Policy & Regulatory
     business as well as operating models surface on the digital horizon.   Achievements in KSA and the Region
     RISE is also about addressing new needs of the businesses, economic   Weighted Representation of Business
     sectors and industries, and the society at large. Thus “sustainability”   Leaders, Regulators, Policymakers
     takes the center stage and is assessed with the right policy lens and   Leaders’ Balanced Discussion Panels
     conducive regulatory measures. RISE, as a new model of leadership    Global Bodies and Renowned
     discourse and display, aims to contribute to the creation of new     Personalities
     technology synergies and eciencies within and beyond the ICT        Geographically-diverse Audience
     Industry, to help accelerate ecient digital transformation.
                                                                                 SAMENA COUNCIL
     The RISE Conference in Riyadh aims to showcase how metaphorical            GENERAL ASSEMBLY
     desertification of the past is now catalyzing digitalization of the future.        (Members Only)

                           40+                         15+                                5+
                           CEOs                        Regulators                         Ministers

                           200+                        Global                             Global Tech
                           Guests                      Institutions                       Platforms

               REQUEST PARTICIPATION                                                       FOR MORE DETAILS
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