Page 165 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The  American Samoa  Telecommunications  Authority   territories,  PTI  Pacifica  (trading  as  IT&E),  which
                         (ASTCA) acquired a total of 15 licenses in Auction 108 –   operates  in  Guam and  the  Northern  Mariana  Islands,
                         the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) sale   paid a total of USD17.690 million for nine licenses, while
                         of unused spectrum in the 2496MHz-2690MHz (2.5GHz   Guam-based TeleGuam Holdings (trading as GTA) paid
        American         band). The telco paid USD970,750 for the concessions,   USD16.565 million for three licenses. Finally, DOCOMO
        Samoa            which  span  five  counties.  As  per  FCC  paperwork,   Pacific, which operates in both Guam and the NMI, bid
                         ASTCA’s chief rival American Samoa Telecom (BlueSky)   USD1.260 million for three licenses.
                         was also a qualified bidder for Auction 108, but came   (September 6, 2022)
                         away  empty-handed.  Elsewhere  in  the  US overseas

                         The  President  Joao Lourenco has  issued  a  decision   to seize control of Vidatel’s bank accounts and remove
                         finalizing  the  transfer  of  ownership  stakes  in  mobile   dos  Santos’  voting  and  dividend  rights  at  Unitel.
                         market  leader Unitel  from  private  companies Vidatel   The  database  also  confirms:  the  25%  share  in  Unitel
                         and  Geni  to the  State. The  nationalization  of the  two   held  by  Geni  –  fronted  by  Angola’s  Leopoldino  do
        Angola           shareholdings  –  representing  25%  equity  each  –   Nascimento (‘General Dino’, a close associate of former
                         effectively raises the Angolan State’s Unitel ownership   president  dos  Santos)  –  was  seized  in  January  2022
                         to 100%, the Brazilian telco Oi completed the sale of a   by the  National  Asset  Recovery Service (related  to a
                         25% stake in Unitel to Sonangol in a USD1 billion deal   criminal  process  initiated  by  the  National  Directorate
                         in January 2020, raising the Angolan state-run oil firm’s   of Investigation  &  Criminal  Action under the  Attorney
                         effective share to 50%, due to it already owning 25% via   General’s Office), and transferred to a trustee, the State
                         its  subsidiary Mercury  Telecom (MSTelcom). Vidatel   Assets & Participations Management Institute (Instituto
                         (registered in the British Virgin Islands [BVI]) is owned   de  Gestao de  Activos e  Participacoes  do Estado,
                         by Angolan billionaire Isabel dos Santos – daughter of   IGAPE). Under a presidential decree of 5 August 2019,
                         former president Jose Eduardo dos Santos – but on 30   the Angolan state intends to sell direct/indirect stakes
                         December 2019 the Provincial Court of Luanda ordered   in Unitel as part of the country’s 2019-2022 privatization
                         an asset freeze on her shares, and in December 2020   program.
                         the BVI Supreme Court ordered judicial administrators   (October 31, 2022)

                         Argentina will stage a 5G spectrum auction in February   published a list of frequencies that it deemed suitable
                         2023,  as  the  inflation-wracked  country  attempts  to   for future 5G use. It included the following spectrum:
                         boost  government  coffers.  The  date  was  revealed   •  1427MHz-1518MHz (1500MHz band)
                         by Minister  of Economy  Sergio Massa,  alongside  a   •  1770MHz-1780MHz/2170MHz-2200MHz  (AWS-3
        Argentina        number of other advances that are slated for inclusion   band)
                         in the government’s 2023 budget bill. Mr. Massa told the   •  2300MHz-2400MHz (2.3GHz band)
                         Chamber of Deputies: ‘In February Argentina puts out   •  3300MHz-3600MHz (3.5GHz band)
                         the 5G tender and that tender will generate a volume of   •  24.25GHz-25.75GHz (26GHz band)
                         investment in the telecommunications sector.’ Previously,   •  37GHz-43.5GHz (38GHz band)
                         on  23  December 2021  the  National  Communications   (September 30, 2022)
                         Agency (Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones, ENACOM)

                         In  the  wake  of  last  month’s  high-profile  data  breach   the ACMA said it plans to examine the data breach in
                         which impacted Optus, the Australian Communications   regards  to Optus’  obligations  as  a telecoms  service
                         and  Media  Authority (ACMA) has  announced it  has   provider;  specifically  in  relation  to  the  acquisition,
                         now commenced  a  formal investigation  into the   authentication,  retention,  disposal  and  protection  of
        Australia        matter. In a press release confirming the investigation,   personal  information,  and  requirements  to provide

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