Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        communication  market  is  expected  to hit   as  energy, mining,  logistics,  maritime,   chief executive of Wa’ed. “We envision OQ
        almost $34bn  by 2030  from  more than   agriculture  and  defence.  The  Saudi   to  become  the  nucleus  to  building  a  full
        $2.5bn  in  2021  at  a  compound  annual   investment  will also  involve  developing   SpaceTech ecosystem that starts with the
        growth rate  of 33.3  per cent, according   new products in co-ordination with the local   kingdom and outspreads to the surrounding
        to  Prescient  and  Strategic  Intelligence.   business ecosystem and universities, which   region.” Wa’ed Ventures, founded in 2013, is
        OQ,  which  also  has  offices  in  Dubai  and   in turn will support the Vision 2030 agenda,   a $200m venture capital firm wholly owned
        Rwanda, has already accomplished several   the statement said. “Our investment in OQ   by Saudi  Aramco, the  world's  biggest  oil
        LEO  satellite  deployment  missions,  and   Technology is  the  true manifestation  of   company. It  aims to promote economic
        more  are  being  planned  to increase  its   our mission to position the kingdom as the   diversification  and  new  business  growth
        constellation.  Established  in  2016,  OQ’s   center of gravity for global tech ventures,"   in the kingdom by investing in high-growth
        services are being used in industries such   said  Fahad Alidi, managing  director  and   tech start-ups across multiple sectors.

        Thales Alenia Space Partner with Eutelsat to Deliver High-Speed Broadband

        Across Europe

        Thales Alenia Space (Thales 67%, Leonardo
        33%)  will  support  the  delivery  of  high-
        speed  broadband  across  Europe  as  well
        as  connectivity  services  by  providing  the
        SpaceGate ground connectivity solution
        to EUTELSAT  KONNECT  VHTS  satellite.
        Thales Alenia Space already developed for
        Eutelsat  the  digital  EUTELSAT  KONNECT
        VHTS  satellite  based  on  the  full  electric
        Spacebus NEO  platform and  expected
        to  be  launched  September  6th,  2022.
        The  SpaceGate  satellite  access  network
        solution,  designed  for High  Throughput
        and  Very High  Throughput satellites,  will
        provide  a  wideband  connectivity  with
        the  best  spectral  efficiency,  significantly
        increasing  the  EUTELSAT  KONNECT
        VHTS ground segment performances. It is
        composed of baseband  equipment  to be
        deployed  in  the  Eutelsat  ground  stations
        as  well  as  terminals,  allowing internet   in  Europe, we are  proud to contribute  to   VHTS satellite.  This  partnership  is  yet
        connectivity  over  fiber-less  areas  thanks   this important target by offering a French/  another proof of our ongoing commitment
        to  the  satellite.  The  SpaceGate’s  flexible   European  network access  solution  which   to digital inclusion, and will  bolster  our
        and modular solution has been developed   is  also  matching  the  sovereignty  and   service offering  provided  by this  satellite,
        with  the  support  of  French  and  European   connectivity  key  stakes.  We  are  also  very   which spearheads our strategy of shifting
        Space Agency’s CNES and ESA research &   enthusiast  to reinforce  our collaboration   to telecom connectivity.  By  offering  a
        development  programs, Cyber secured  by   with Eutelsat and by implementing together   ground segment designed and built by one
        Thales design, SpaceGate is also adapted   new innovative challenges”. Pascal Homsy,   of the leading space companies in France
        to  Software  Defined  Satellites  including   CTO  of Eutelsat  added  :  “We’re  delighted   to complement the ground infrastructures
        constellations.  Marc Henri  Serre, EVP   to be teaming up with  one of our  long-  developed  by  our other  partner,  Hughes,
        Telecommunications  at  Thales  Alenia   standing  industry partners,  Thales  Alenia   we’re also supporting  France’s space
        Space declared: “Bridging the Digital Divide   Space, on this new line of ground segment   sovereignty in this market”.
        is  a priority for  the  growth in  France and   products  for our EUTELSAT  KONNECT

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