Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        Sustainability and Inclusiveness Among Key Principles that Govern Digital
        Transformation; Telecom Operators, Regulators, Tech Providers Have a

        Direct Role in Reimagining Broadband, Says SAMENA Council CEO

                                                                                 operation  for both  human  development
                                                                                 and  environmental  protection."  The  SA-
                                                                                 ME-NA region  as  a whole, and the  GCC
                                                                                 sub-region  in  particular, is  leading  in
                                                                                 digital  transformation  by championing
                                                                                 accelerated  adoption  of 5G, while  ground
                                                                                 for 5G Advance (or 5.5G) is being prepared.
                                                                                 The  emerging  5G opportunity  landscape
                                                                                 offers  a  reflection  into  the  visions  of  the
                                                                                 regional  governments  and  demonstrates
                                                                                 an   understanding  among   industry
                                                                                 stakeholders about the true potential of 5G.
                                                                                 Regional  Telecom Operators' leadership
                                                                                 in  5G  network  deployment  is  particularly
                                                                                 noteworthy, as  it  is  being  powered  by
                                                                                 strong  collaboration  with  Tech  Providers,
                                                                                 innovation,  attention  to life-changing  and
                                                                                 new business solutions, and an overarching
                                                                                 focus on thriving and governing sustainably.
                                                                                 An  advocacy continuum, BA's  keynote
                                                                                 during the  GITEX week supported  and
                                                                                 promoted the  role  of  Telecom Operators,
                                                                                 Regulators, and Tech Providers, especially
                                                                                 since each stakeholder has a direct stake
                                                                                 and responsibility  in  reinforcing and
        Addressing  a China  Mobile  International   this  region. BA, in  his  leadership  speech,   reimagining  broadband’s  role  as  a  key
        hosted  leadership  gala dinner  during the   acknowledged that  "This  region, led  by   driver of digital  transformation  across
        Gulf Information  Technology Exhibition   the  collaboration  and  expertise from the   Education,  Healthcare,  Financial  Service
        (GITEX),  SAMENA  Telecommunications   likes  of China  Mobile,  e&  Group  from the   Delivery, thus signifying universal, inclusive,
        Council’s CEO, Bocar  BA, described   UAE, as  well  as  other  valued  members   and  affordable  access  to connectivity.
        how digital  multilateralism  has  become   of SAMENA Council, and  supported  by   Furthermore, strong collaboration among
        inevitable  and  how    sustainability  enabling policies and improved regulatory   the  industry  stakeholders  is  central  to
        challenges,  including  in    digital  approaches, are fostering an open, fair, and   meeting  targets  set  forth  by the  ITU,
        infrastructure development through robust   non-discriminatory  business  environment,   where  SAMENA Council  chairs  the
        financing,  are  prompting  unprecedented,   ensuring the safety and stability of supply   Industry Advisory Group on  Development
        out-of-the-box  approaches  to materialize.   chains  in  relevant  areas,  and  advancing   Issues (IAGDI), and by the UN Broadband
        BA outlined  how industries  and  niche   inclusiveness.  Such support  is  central  to   Commission, where SAMENA Council
        segments are now being extensively driven   the pace and progress of digitalization and   has  contributed  extensively  to help
        by  digitalization, new  digital  offerings,   digital transformation, and to our collective   build  consensus  and  implementable
        differentiated value-propositions, and how   aspiration of making 5G a success for all.   recommendations  for  funding  and
        industry  stakeholders  need  to capitalize   The  pace at  which digital  transformation   financing  the  next  wave  of  broadband
        on new opportunities  relating  to Industry   is  taking  place,  sustainability  and  infrastructure  development  around the
        4.0,  smart-city  projects,  and  proliferating   inclusiveness  must  remain  the  key   world. Such recommendations  include
        5G   applications  across  education,  principles  for driving  digitally-powered   broadening  the  base  of contributors  and
        healthcare, oil & gas, port operations, and   economic growth,  creating  new  human   adopting  innovative  financial  approaches
        other verticals that are of most relevance   experiences,  and  exploring  new  areas   and  instruments  that  engage  leading
        to  the  economic  diversification  visions  of   of inter-industry  and  inter-regional  co-  financial institutions with the ICT industry.

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