Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 77


        NBN  Co  to  Create ‘Business Fiber  Zones’ and  Cut  Wholesale  Enterprise

        Broadband Prices

        Australia’s NBN Co has announced it will   initiatives, the company  has allocated   for Enterprise  Ethernet,  for an estimated
        invest  up  to  AUD700  million  (USD508   AUD50 million over three  years to work   90% of business premises in the National
        million)  over the  next  three  years in   with local councils and state and territory   Broadband Network (NBN) footprint, it will
        what  it  called a  ‘multi-faceted  package   governments  to  identify opportunities to   not charge the retailer for building the fiber.
        of  initiatives’,  with  a  view  to  supporting   extend  business-grade  services outside   Further, should an RSP sign up for a three-
        business  innovation, productivity  and   of  its  designated  Business  Fiber  Zones.   year Enterprise Ethernet plan, NBN Co has
        growth. As its first initiative, the company   As  an  additional element  to  its  plans,   said  it  will  not charge the retailer an  up-
        will create up to 240 ‘Business Fiber Zones’   NBN Co has announced that when a retail   front connection cost.
        across the country, including a presence in   service provider (RSP) places an order
        85 regional centers. All businesses within
        these zones will  reportedly have access
        to  Enterprise  Ethernet  at  significantly
        reduced  wholesale  prices  and in total
        these  zones  are expected  to cover more
        than 700,000 business premises. NBN Co
        has already revealed  the locations  of the
        first 130 Business Fiber Zones, with these
        including  61  in  regional locations such
        as  Bunbury,  Mount  Gambier,  Devonport,
        Shepparton,  Port   Macquarie  and
        Rockhampton. Meanwhile, the company’s
        second  initiative will  see Enterprise
        Ethernet pricing reduced by up to 67% for
        those businesses in Business Fiber Zones.
        Such  a  move  will,  NBN  Co  claims,  give
        thousands of regional businesses access
        to the same support  as  businesses in
        capital city centers, at the same wholesale
        price. Thirdly, as  part  of its  package of

        Roaming Rate Reductions Imminent In South America

        Roaming  charges for mobile  users in   Argentina, Brazil and Colombia have been   entirely by 1 January 2022.  This trend  is
        Argentina  and Chile are to be abolished.   discussed  for some time and   are seen   by no means limited to South America. As
        That’s  the  promise  of  an  agreement   as  potentially  beneficial  not  just  for  end   we recently reported, the Central  African
        first  mooted  more  than  two  years  ago   users –  especially  in  border areas  –  but   Economic  and  Monetary  Community
        and scheduled  for last  year  –  and then   for businesses  and the tourist industry.   (CEMAC), made up of  Cameroon, Congo,
        rescheduled  for  May  this  year.  However,   Andean community (CAN) member states   Gabon,  Chad,  Equatorial Guinea  and the
        this  time, according to  TeleGeography's   Peru,  Bolivia,  Colombia  and  Ecuador  had   Central African Republic, plans to abolish
        CommsUpdate,  the scrapping  of  roaming   also been aiming for an agreement to end   roaming charges by the start of next year.
        charges will  actually  go ahead.  Whether   international roaming – in this case as early   The Economic Community of West African
        this will signal a wider attempt to promote   as mid-2019. Although that didn’t happen,   States (ECOWAS),  meanwhile,  agreed  to
        regional roaming is an interesting question.   international roaming rates  in voice and   remove roaming fees for its 15 members
        Plans to eliminate roaming  charges  for   data communications are now falling and   back in 2017.
        Chilean  subscribers travelling  in Peru,   the hope  is  that  they  can be abolished

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