Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        fundamental  to  this  aspiration.  Digital   statements,  following  these  roundtables,   networks, which will  not only boost its
        transformation, enabled by mobility, cloud   to assist  in the region's policy-making   socio-economic  development  and  build
        and broadband  technologies,  including   efforts."                      the knowledge based digital economy, but
        Fiber-optic, is taking place in almost every                             will also help make it sustainable.”
        industry, reinforcing the need for us to re-  Huawei Middle  East's President, Charles
        think ICT infrastructure development and   Yang, has commented, “Huawei envisions   The  SAMENA Accelerator  series  of
        ICT policies, which should be aligned well   an intelligent,  fully connected digital   action-oriented  stakeholder  meetings  are
        with national economic  visions as much   world, where nations and citizens prosper.   similar  in  their approach to  the  SAMENA
        as  they  should  be with  sustainability  of   We support  strategic approaches  and   Leaders'  Roundtable  (SALT).  While  the
        investment within the Industry. The region   innovation-driven  frameworks that can   SALT follows the Chatham House rules of
        requires accelerated implementation of   help develop the world’s digital economies.   communication  and information-sharing
        certain initiatives that  can boost  up the   Policy and regulatory  transformation   and is  intended only for the leadership
        region's  socio-economic  transformation   required  to achieve progress on global   of Regulatory  Authorities  and Private
        through  digitization.  These  roundtables   digital fronts, aligned  with internationally   Sector  CEOs,  the SAMENA  Accelerator
        are a  product  of visions and  priorities   agreed digital  development  goals  suited   roundtables are open to all tiers of policy
        that SAMENA Council's  Membership    to  each   country’s  nation-building  decision-making  and the wider  industry
        shares with  the region's  Policymakers   visions,  must  first  focus  on  expediting   audience.  Participation as  speakers in
        and Regulatory Authorities. We anticipate   the development  of reliable  and resilient   the roundtables, however, is exclusive
        prolific,  outcome-oriented  roadmap  for   communications  infrastructure, which   to invited speakers only.  Senior industry
        action between the Private and the Public   serve as the cornerstone of our connected   executives may approach SAMENA Council
        sectors  during  the month of November.   and digital  economy.  The Middle  East   to request participation details.
        SAMENA  Council will  issue outcome   region  inevitably  requires  fiber-based

        Achieving Universal Access and Creating a Sustainable Digital Economy
        Require First Seeing the Private Sector through a New Lens
        SAMENA Accelerator Policy Roundtables on November 19th & 25th to Assist in

        Implementing Recommendations Communicated Earlier by SAMENA Council CEO to
        Policymakers and Regulators on Behalf of the Private Sector in Efforts to Accelerate
        Infrastructure Advancement and the Digital Economy

        SAMENA Telecommunications Council,   the planet, there is a need to ensure that   representation  of  the Private  Sector,
        represented  by  its  CEO,  Bocar  A.  BA,  co-  no one is left behind in feeling the benefits   rendered  during the Plenary Session
        led with the ITU Secretary-General Houlin   of digital  communication  technologies.   at  the closing  of the GSR20  back in
        Zhao the ITU's Private Sector Roundtable   Achieving  this  goal  is  central  to  fulfilling   September.  CEO  SAMENA Council had
        with CEOs  from the Telecom  Industry   the promises  made by  the Connect 2030   highlighted  to  the Telecom  Regulatory
        in mid-October  as a catalyzing step to   Agenda, and is vital to effectively mitigating   Authorities from all around the world key
        bridge  cooperation  between  the Private   the current and future crises and tackling   focus areas for ensuring the growth of the
        Sector  and the ITU, and to bring greater   increasing social and economic inequalities   Industry, and to affirm the Private Sector's
        representation of the needs and challenges   that  have become more pronounced  as   readiness for collaborative engagement
        of the Telecom Operators at the ITU level.   a result of the Covid crisis. Doing  so,   with  Policymakers  and Regulators.  Such
        The outcome of the discussion and    however, requires combining the Industry's   key  areas  were  identified  in  the  outcome
        recommendations collectively put forward   collective experiences, expertise, wisdom,   statement to help achieve Universal Digital
        by the  Private Sector  were subsequently   aspirations, mutual  welfare and striving   Access  and  Services,  including  fulfilling
        presented by SAMENA Council CEO to the   together in collaboration, necessarily, and   the  need  for  availability  of  sufficient
        Policymakers and Regulators in a follow-  in partnerships, as needed.    and flexible spectrum;  reviewing and
        up ITU  Ministerial  Meeting,  held in late                              repurposing of USF funds and acceleration
        October.                             SAMENA  Council's  contributions  in  the   of  USF  disbursement to  address  gaps  in
                                             ITU  Private  Sector  Roundtable  and the   connectivity, and both maintaining and
        Given that  a  collective global digital-  ITU  Ministerial  Roundtable  have been  a   expanding  networks to ensure better
        development  goal is to timely achieve   contiguous part of the Council's advocacy   preparedness  and network resilience;
        Universal Digital Access, and thus connect   program and have been  conducted  in   urgently reviewing industry  fees and
        the still-unconnected 3.7 billion people on   the similar context as  was  the Council's   taxation; promoting infrastructure-sharing;

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