Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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        for every  country  to ensure fully  remote
        operational capacities for their economies,”
        – explains Vytautas  Kaziukonis, CEO
        of Surfshark.  “That  is  why, for the third
        year  in  a  row,  we  continue  the Digital
        Quality of Life research, which provides a
        robust  global  outlook  into how countries
        excel  digitally. The  index  sets the  basis
        for meaningful  discussions  about how
        digital advancement impacts a  country’s
        prosperity and where improvements can
        be made.” In an all-around picture, 6 out
        of 10 countries holding the highest scores
        are located in Europe, following last year’s
        trend. Denmark ranks  1st  in  DQL  for
        the  second  year in a row and is closely
        followed  by  South Korea.  Finland ranks
        3rd, while Israel and the U.S. round out the   Other  significant  findings  of  the  report   work to afford the internet.  Investing  in
        top five of 110 nations that were evaluated.   include:                  electronic infrastructure and electronic
        The  bottom 5 countries  are Ethiopia,   Broadband is globally less affordable this   government  contributes  to  people’s
        Cambodia, Cameroon, Guatemala,  and   year.  Comparing countries  included  in   digital wellbeing the most. The 2021 DQL
        Angola. Regionally, the U.S. stands out as   both  DQL20 and DQL21, people have to   research examined  a  total population
        a  country  with the highest  digital  quality   work  11% more (25  min more) to afford   of more than 6.9  billion people  in terms
        of life in the Americas, while South Korea   broadband  internet in 2021.  However,   of  five  core  pillars  and  14  underpinning
        takes the leading position in Asia. Among   people  have to work  29% less (28  min   indicators that  provide a  comprehensive
        countries in Africa, people in South Africa   less)  to afford mobile  internet  this year.   measure.  The study is  based on open-
        enjoy the highest quality of their digital   The world’s worst  internet  is  the least   source information provided by the United
        lives whereas Australia  leads in  Oceania,   affordable. People in  some countries,   Nations, the World Bank, Freedom House,
        outperforming New  Zealand in  various   such  as Nigeria, Côte  D'Ivoire and Mali   the International  Communications  Union,
        digital areas.                       require approximately a week’s worth of   and other sources.

        Libyan International  Telecommunication  Company, in  Partnership  with
        Microsoft, Launches Azure ExpressRoute Service in Libya

        The   Libyan  International  Telecom  especially  through  the strategic plan for   Regional Director of Microsoft Corporation
        Company  (LITC), one  of the state LPTIC   digital transformation launched by LPTIC.’’   said  “We look  forward to  further
        holding companies, launched in Tripoli, in   Adel  Abu Fares, Chairman of LITC said   empowering  our  partners and customers
        partnership with the international company   “The launch of the service today will help   in the Libyan market, to be in safe, highly
        Microsoft, the Azure ExpressRoute service,   expand the private networks of customers   efficient  and  effective  communication.”
        which will  cover  the needs  of  the Libyan   using cloud services, which will contribute   The partnership will enhance the position
        market, as part of the comprehensive trend   to covering their basic needs in the labor   of the LITC locally  and regionally, as
        towards digital transformation. The service   market  where  cloud computing allows   major customers of Microsoft services
        will enable  cloud  computing  provided  by   information technology  to  be rented   in Libya will be  able to access  new
        Microsoft will provide advanced features in   instead  of buying,  and thus will provide   services,  enabling and accelerating the
        the Libyan labor market, including backup   copies,  which  is  a  pioneering  step taken   digital  transformation journey,  using the
        services and the ability to access data at   by the LITC in Libya.’’ Abu Fares stressed   functionality of private digital cloud service
        any time and any place and communicate   the company’s commitment to support its   solutions, which is an infrastructure that is
        in a reliable manner and high speeds, the   customers  by  providing cloud  computing   rented by a single customer, and provides
        LITC said. Commenting  on  the launch,   that guarantees  customers  more ease of   higher level of security and control, along
        Faisal  Gergab, Chairman of LPTIC,  said   use, expansion  and flexibility,  instead of   with the flexibility  and cost savings of
        “Today  we  affirm  the  essential  role  that   spending money and resources on old IT   public  clouds  models  that are expensive
        the  telecommunications  sector plays in   systems, and providing the best solutions   and save computing resources for multiple
        the journey of progress and development   in response  to the evolving market   customers.
        that Libya seeks at the  current  stage,   requirements. On his part, Nizar Al-Haddar,

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