Page 4 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 4


        Connectivity and the Rise of Innovation

        The  “Golden  Decade” for the  industry and   In the larger interest of the region’s socio-
        the “Final  Decade  of  Action”  for Member   economic empowerment goals, we need to
        States  will  be driven by  innovation, Fiber,   align  our  priorities  and programs  together
        and IPv6. For Operators, the coming years   to move forward in synch. The  way  we
        will  primarily revolve around realizing   bring access to  connectivity  must  take
        the  added  value created  by adopting   into account  the technological  progress
        technologies and digital solutions that can   we have made as  Industry.  With changed
        transform and optimize daily life, business,   societal, technological, and market realities,
        and sustainable development.          the investment in new infrastructure can no
                                              longer follow the same approaches that got
        Together, however, our aim  is  to create   us this far. This applies equally to bringing
        an  intelligent  world; a  world built  on   about the best customer  experience;  to
        enhanced  connectivity  which, in turn,   developing 5G and “Green 5G”; to building
        demands  extensive availability  of digital   ICT capacity and digital skills  throughout
        infrastructure, and it  requires  extensive   the region; and to tackling digital divides.
        digital space for supporting the billions of                                  Bocar A. BA
                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer
        connections that are happening before our   As more people  and things go online,   & Board Member
        eyes.                                 continued  investment in  communication   SAMENA Telecommunications
                                              networks is needed  to ensure that      Council
        As  our societies  and the global  economy   connections and transfers of data between
        digitalize, there are ever more possibilities   connected  devices can take place quickly.
        to advance  standards of living through   Thus,  use  of  fiber  networks  and  IPv6  in
        human-centric, data-driven, and evidence-  fixed  networks  and  cloudification  must  be
        based   policies,  increased  economic  achieved to support increases in speed
        competitiveness,  higher-quality  jobs,  and capacity across all next-generation
        enhanced  provision of public services   technologies.
        throughout  the SA-ME-NA region's urban
        and rural communities.                It  is  crucial  that  the Private Sector  be
                                              provided  with the necessary collaborative
        We  need  to  advance  the  necessary  fixed-  support and key areas of regulation
        line infrastructure and leverage the power of   and policies  be revisited, with regard to
        Fiber and IPv6, unlock new capital, and new   accelerating  deployment of Fiber, and
        ways of sharing responsibilities to develop   transitioning to IPv6 and, of course, to IPv6
        that  infrastructure, and develop human   enhanced  innovations  (IPv6+).  Regional
        capital for the digital age, create awareness   economies  need to realize their  digital
        and relevance  to proliferate  meaningful   transformation  goals on time and be on
        digital services, ensure everyone can afford   the path to  sustainable digital  economic
        broadband  connectivity  and quality-of-  development in which broadband networks,
        service, which are fundamental to realizing   innovations, and digital services and
        value-addition in the digital realm.  solutions have a central role to play.

                                                                                                     4   OCTOBER 2021
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