Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        World’s  First 8x8  MIMO Outdoor  CPE Commercialized for Maximum  LTE
        Network Value

        Huawei   announced   the   commercial   win high-value fixed broadband users and   selected  during  initial  installation  and
        availability  of  the  world’s  first  8x8  MIMO   sustain continuous revenue growth. 1Gb/s   upon  network  changes  without  requiring
        LTE  outdoor  CPE  (customer-premises   rate  for  a  fiber-like  premium  experience:   manual adjustment of antenna azimuths.
        equipment)  B3368.  B3368  provides  an   B3368  supports  all  FDD  and  TDD  bands,   Installation  efficiency  is  tripled,  reducing
        experience of up to 1 Gb/s and triples FWA   4CC  CA  with  a  maximum  bandwidth  of   installation and maintenance costs. Zhang
        capacity  compared  to  MBB  benchmarks.   80  MHz,  and  256QAM.  By  combining  the   Yiqu,  Director  of  Huawei’s  WTTx  Domain,
        This  innovation  enables  operators  to   powerful functions, this product supports   said:  “4G/5G  FWA  enables  operators
        provide  fiber-like  services  over  LTE   a peak rate of up to 1 Gb/s. Tripled spectral   to  achieve  rapid  provisioning  of  fixed
        networks  while  maximizing  both  spectral   efficiency  and  provisioning  capabilities:   broadband  services.  In  2018,  4G  FWA
        efficiency and the value of LTE networks.   B3368 supports up to 8x8 MIMO and 4-SRS   connections  outgrew  FTTH  in  markets
        Global LTE fixed wireless access broadband   antenna selection. Together with Huawei’s   outside  China.  4G/5G  FWA  services  are
        (4G FWA) has achieved rapid development,   leading Massive MIMO base stations, this   also ushering in an era of Wireless Fiber.
        with 4G/5G FWA expanded from suburban   product delivers  a  tripled capacity over   Wireless  Fibers  will  contribute  to  further
        to  urban  areas,  from  low-speed  copper   MBB  base  stations.  Service  provisioning   widespread  usage  and  development  of
        lines  to  high-speed  optical  fiber,  and   capability is also tripled, reducing per-line   fixed  broadband.”  By  September,  2019,
        from homes to small- and medium-sized   costs  by  60%  and  enabling  operators  to   more  than  230  4G  FWA  networks  have
        enterprises (SMEs). Smart home, 4K, and   extend broadband services to more homes   been  deployed  globally.  Huawei’s  LTE
        AR/VR services are mature, requiring fixed   and  enterprises  without  deploying  new   CPE  B3368  will  enable  operators  to
        broadband  rates  to  increase  from  10–20   base  stations,  maximizing  the  network   increase  home  broadband  speeds  in
        Mb/s to 25–100 Mb/s. Huawei’s latest LTE   value. Smart antenna selection simplifies   developed  countries  while  increasing  the
        CPE  B3368  enables  operators  to  quickly   installation  and  reduces  costs:  B3368’s   availability of affordable home broadband
        deploy 4G FWA services by leveraging LTE   built-in  antennas  support  smart  antenna   in  developing  countries,  bridging  digital
        networks to provide fiber-like experiences,   selection,  meaning  that  the  base  station   divides among families, and achieving the
        which  will  be  essential  for  operators  to   providing the best signal quality is always   goal of “Broadband for All, Wireless First”.

        Huawei 5G OpenLab in the Middle East Announced at GITEX 2019

        The  pre-launch  of  the  Huawei  5G  OpenLab  in  the  Middle  East   OpenLab is a cross-industry platform through which operators,
        was announced during GITEX 2019 by Huawei, a leading global   third parties and vertical industries in the Middle East can work
        provider  of  information  and  communications  technology  (ICT).   together  to  understand  business  scenarios,  develop  innovative
        The  Huawei  5G  OpenLab  in  the  Middle  East  aims  to  boost  5G   services,  and  build  the  5G  ecosystem.”  Through  the  OpenLab
        services throughout the Middle East region, prompting innovation   platform, Huawei works with customers and partners around the
        and collaboration across markets with the intention of creating   world  to  develop  the  best  possible  industry-specific  solutions,
        an open ecosystem that will further ICT development across the   enrich  local ICT industry  ecosystems,  address challenges  and
        region. Huawei 5G OpenLab in Middle East will mainly focus on   future demands in line with local markets’ requirements, and keep
        the 2B market, including artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, fixed   driving  customers  to  go  digital.  Huawei  5G  OpenLab  in  Middle
        wireless  access  (FWA),  CCTV,  campus  private  line,  and  more.   East is scheduled for launch in December 2019.
        Consumer services, such as cloud gaming, will also be a focus of
        the OpenLab. “5G development is accelerating at speeds beyond
        imagination, with roll-out imminent in markets across the Middle
        East  and  the  wider  world,”  said  An  Jian,  President  of  Carrier
        Networks Business Group, Huawei Middle East. “By introducing
        the  Huawei  5G  OpenLab  concept  in  the  Middle  East,  we  are
        providing the local ICT sector with a real 5G network environment
        in which they can experience, innovate, and verify the latest 5G
        applications with operators and partners. This will contribute to the
        development and strengthening of the local ICT sector, enabling
        the introduction of next generation technology that will contribute
        to building a fully connected, intelligent world.” Zhang Dong, Vice
        President  of  Huawei  5G  Marketing  &  Solution  Sales,  said:  “5G

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