Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 142


                         it  was  determined  that  TOT  partially  completed  the   to complete the tasks required under the ToR [terms
                         mobile  services  contract,  though  the  company  used   of  reference],  even  after  one  year  from  the  due  date
                         the wrong fiber-optic specification for the broadband   … The financial penalty has reached THB800 million.’
                         network  scheme,  which  the  committee  deemed  as   Mr.  Takorn  said  that  the  NBTC  had  no  choice  but  to
                         ‘unacceptable’.  Further,  TOT  failed  to  complete  the   terminate the contracts to prevent further harm to the
                         construction  of  the  agreed  371  buildings  under  the   public interest, especially in remote areas; the executive
                         USO Net project, with only three finalized to-date. NBTC   added that the NBTC will stage a new e-auction for the
                         secretary-general  Takorn  Tantasith  said:  ‘TOT  failed   three contracts ‘soon’. (October 7, 2019) The Bangkok Post

                         The  National  Information  Technology  Authority   has significantly lowered internet bandwidth costs to
                         of  Uganda  (NITA-U)  has  defended  itself  against   Ugandan  individuals  and organizations  over the  last
                         accusations  that  it  is  wasting  public  funds  with  its   ten years.’ The body says that at the start of the project
                         rollout of a national backbone network. Recent press   in  2008  the  cost-per-Mbps  was  USD1,200  but  that
        Uganda           reports  have  accused  officials  at  the  state-backed   has now dropped to USD70-per-Mbps. According to a
                         body  of  corruption  and  of  mismanaging  the  network
                                                                        report from PML Daily, the agency adds that 3,000km
                         deployment.  A  statement  from  NITA-U  responded   of fiber-optic cable has already been deployed and a
                         by  saying:  ‘The  originators  of  the  false  news  are   fourth phase of the rollout is underway.
                         obviously  determined  on  downplaying  Uganda’s   (October 11, 2019)
                         progress  in  achieving  widespread  connectivity  that

                         The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) said   (Amsterdam, Netherlands) which [holds in] excess of
                         in a statement that it has granted Azerbaijani mobile   50%  of  votes  in  the  management  company.  This  will
                         operator Bakcell permission to proceed with a potential   allow  the  Azerbaijani  company  to  acquire  indirect
                         deal  to  buy  the  country’s  second  largest  cellco   control  over  [the]  Ukrainian  mobile  operator  known
                         Vodafone  Ukraine,  which  is  currently  wholly  owned   under  the  brand  Vodafone.’  Earlier  this  month  the
        Ukraine          by  Mobile  TeleSystems  (MTS)  of  Russia,  itself  part   AMCU disclosed an approach regarding a possible bid
                         of  the  Sistema  group.  MTS  owns  Vodafone  Ukraine   for VF Ukraine from Bakcell (part of Azerbaijan-based
                         (registered as VF Ukraine) indirectly via a Netherlands-  oil/construction/telecom/tech  conglomerate  Neqsol);
                         based holding company. The message on the AMCU site   MTS commented that it was studying possibilities for
                         read: ‘Today, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine   its international subsidiaries but no concrete deal was
                         has given permission to Bakcell LLC (Baku, Azerbaijan)   yet on the table. (October 25, 2019)
                         for  the  indirect  purchase  of  shares  of  Preludium  BV

                         The UK’s Digital Secretary Nicky Morgan is reportedly   need  and  deserve.  Brokering  an  agreement  for  mast
                         supportive  of  a  GBP530  million  (USD680  million)   sharing between networks alongside new investment
                         proposal  from  the  UK’s  mobile  network  operators   in  mobile  infrastructure  will  mean  people  get  good
                         (MNOs) for a shared rural network, with the potential   4G signal no matter where they are or which provider
        United           that the government would invest GBP500 million into   they’re with. But it is not yet a done deal and I want
                                                                        to see industry move quickly so we can reach a final
                         the project. In a press release regarding the matter, the
        Kingdom          Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS)   agreement early next year.’ (October 28, 2019)
                         said that the proposed deal with EE, O2 UK, Three UK
                         and Vodafone UK would see the quartet jointly invest   The Minister for Digital & Broadband is writing to all
                         in a network of new and existing phone masts that they   UK  planning  authorities  to  say  they  cannot  withhold
                         would then all share, with this infrastructure providing   permission without “legitimate grounds and evidence”.
                         coverage  to  280,000  homes  and  businesses  and   In addition to Minister Matt Warman’s correspondence,
                         16,000km  of  roads.  Commenting  on  the  matter,  Mrs.   the government plans to do more to clarify messaging
                         Morgan said: ‘We are determined to make sure no part   around 5G and bust health myths. The move follows
                         of the country is left behind when it comes to mobile   several  local  authorities  halting  installation  of  masts
                         connectivity. We are closing in on a deal with the mobile   after  citizens  have  campaigns  against  siting  5G
                         network operators so those living in rural areas will be   equipment  at  various  locations  on  the  grounds  of
                         able to get the fast and reliable mobile coverage they   health.  Glastonbury’s  town  council  opposed  the

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