Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 112


        Mauritius Denies Rumors of UTL Interest

        The  government  of  Mauritius  has  played   Teleology fell through in January due to its   Privatization  and  Investments,  Evelyn
        down  rumors  that  local  state-backed   failure to hand over the deposit payment.   Anite,  travelled  to Mauritius in August
        telco  Mauritius Telecom  (MT) is still   At the time of the Teleology deal, MT had   to  discuss  a  possible  deal  between  MT
        interested in acquiring a majority stake in   been  named  as  another  potential  buyer   and  UTL.  According  to  TeleGeography’s
        Uganda Telecom Ltd (UTL). The Ugandan   for  UTL.  According  to  a  report  from  the   GlobalComms  Database,  MT  is  33.5%
        government  is  looking  to  sell  off  around   Kampala Post, however, there are now no   state-owned, while Orange of France has
        two-thirds of UTL in an attempt to revitalize   plans for MT to take a stake in its Ugandan   a 40% interest.
        the struggling operator, but a deal agreed   counterpart.  Officials  in  Mauritius  have
        a  year  ago  with  Nigeria-based  investor   also  denied  that  Uganda’s  Minister  for

        Low-Income Countries See Drastic Fall in Mobile Data Costs: Study

        The  cost  of  mobile  data  for  consumers
        in  low  and  middle-income  countries  has
        fallen  across  all  regions,  new  research
        from  the  Alliance  for  Affordable  Internet
        (A4A1), an initiative of the Web Foundation
        finds.  Low-income  countries  saw  the
        most improvement, a historic reversal with
        progress  of  poorer  countries  previously
        lagging  behind  middle-income  countries.
        The  average  cost  for  1GB  data  as  a
        percentage  of  average  monthly  income
        declined  by  11  percent,  from  5.8  percent
        of average monthly income in 2018 to 4.7
        percent today. Still, among those countries
        covered in this survey, over 1 billion people
        live in a country where an entry level plan
        of  1GB  of  mobile  data  is  not  affordable.
        Across Africa, where internet data remains
        unaffordable  for  millions,  particularly
        women,    there  was  a  particularly  steep
        decline,  with  the  cost  of  1GB  data
        dropping  from  9  percent  to  7.1  percent   income.  In  countries  such  as  Zimbabwe,   Because  high  costs  keep  people  offline,
        of  average  monthly  income.  This  fall  in   a  rise  in  incomes  made  broadband  data   the  countries  and  regions  with  the  least
        cost  brings  internet  access,  a  key  driver   more  affordable,  dropping  relative  cost   affordable  data  are  also  those  with  the
        of  development  and  equal  opportunity   from  19.8  percent  to  10.1  percent  of   fewest  people  connected  to  the  internet.
        within reach of millions more people.  The   monthly income. It is important that these   In Africa, where data is the least affordable
        report however says the cost of broadband   gains are not rolled back and indeed shape   at 7.1 percent of average monthly income,
        is  prohibitively  high:  if  the  average  US   the  trend  towards  increased  affordable   only 24 percent of the population is online
        earner paid 7.1 percent of their income for   access. According to the study, declining   compared  with  51  percent  globally.  The
        access, 1GB data would cost USD 373 per   costs meant seven new countries reached   organization calls on governments to take
        month. The report says falling broadband   the international threshold of affordability    urgent  action  to  make  internet  access
        prices drove affordability in certain African   for the first time in 2019, making internet   affordable for more people.  By improving
        countries. In Sierra Leone, the relative cost   affordable for most people, including those   competition  in  telecommunications
        of  1GB  data  tumbled  from  25.9  percent   at below average income levels in Algeria,   markets  and  investing  in  public  access
        to  9.9  percent  after  the  introduction  of   Bangladesh,   Cabo   Verde,   Colombia,   solutions   in   places   like   libraries,
        a  number  of  more  affordable  data  plans   Ecuador,  Namibia,  and  Paraguay.  The   schools,  and community centers, it says,
        by the largest operator.  In Burkina Faso,   United  Nations  ‘1  for  2’  standard  defines   governments can lower the cost to connect
        reduced prices halved the cost of 1GB from   affordability as 1GB data for no more than   and in turn bring more people online.
        14.8  percent  to  7.8  percent  of  monthly   2  percent  of  average  monthly  income.

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