Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        recently launched its Quest 3, while Apple is gearing up to ship   devices to very low power levels and include specific requirements
        its Vision Pro in early 2024. Meta and Apple are also working on   to ensure nationwide  operation  while safeguarding  licensed
        AR glasses. The FCC’s move allows for the connection of AR/VR   services operating in the same band. The band is not only vital
        devices to smartphones and facilitates the sharing of navigation   for next-generation Wi-Fi but also used by services managing the
        data with vehicles, opening up new avenues for user interactions   US electric grids and long-distance phone services, necessitating
        and experiences in the expanding metaverse. However, the FCC has   stringent FCC oversight. This decision marks a significant step
        taken careful measures to balance innovation with the protection   towards a metaverse  future, where immersive experiences  and
        of existing services. The newly established rules limit permitted   cutting-edge applications seamlessly integrate into our daily lives.

        Telefonica Set to Launch 5G SA Network

        Telefonica  Deutschland,  which provides services under  the O2   and Information Officer (CTIO) of Telefonica Deutschland, adding:
        brand name, plans to switch on its 5G Standalone (SA) network   ‘Now O2’s new 5G Plus network is available to more than 90% of
        on 10 October.  From that date, O2  contract  customers  with a   the population in Germany. By the end of 2025, we will provide
        compatible  SIM  card and smartphone  that  are within coverage   the whole of Germany with 5G Plus, giving digitization a massive
        areas will be able to surf the internet and make calls via Voice-over-  boost.’ The service, which is currently available to more than 90%
        New Radio (VoNR) technology on the new network, referred to by   of the population, exclusively uses frequencies designated for 5G
        Telefonica as ‘5G Plus’. The service will be free of charge via the ‘5G   in the O2 network, which currently includes the 700MHz, 3.6GHz
        Plus Pack’ add-on option for a period of twelve months. ‘5G Plus   and 1800MHz (DSS) bands. Telefonica adds that the maximum
        on the O2 network marks the beginning of a new technology era.   available bandwidth of 5G Plus  will  grow continuously  in the
        We can sustainably connect our customers at high data rates and   coming months and years as even more spectrum is deployed.
        enable new digital applications,’ said Mallik Rao, Chief Technology

        Mira Aerospace Conducts 5G HAPS Trial From Stratosphere

        High  altitude  pseudo  satellite  (HAPS)  firm  Mira  Aerospace  has
        conducted  a  successful  5G  trial  from the stratosphere -  which
        ranges from 4-12  miles (6-20km) above the Earth's  surface to
        around 31 miles (50km). “Our team is excited to announce that our
        ApusDuo aircraft achieved the world’s first successful delivery of
        5G connectivity from a fixed-wing HAPS (high-altitude pseudo sat-
        ellite) aircraft in the stratosphere last month,” Mira announced last
        week. “Reaching a maximum flight altitude of 16.9 km, our strato-
        sphere-ready communications payload delivered Rwanda's first   a stratospheric HAPS in September as well. Announced earlier this
        5G-enabled Zoom video call.” Mira said the communications pay-  month, SoftBank said the company tested its proprietary 5G com-
        load continuously delivered 5G connectivity for approximately 73   munications payload in the stratosphere in late September. The
        minutes, during which it reached a maximum altitude of 16.9 km.   company said the communications payload continuously deliv-
        During the test, the stratosphere-ready 5G communications pay-  ered 5G connectivity for approximately 73 minutes in the strato-
        load enabled a 5G Zoom video call. Mira is a joint venture of UA-  sphere at a maximum altitude of 16.9km and enabled a 5G-based
        VOS and Bayanat. The former is a developer and manufacturer of   Zoom video call between an unmodified 5G smartphone at the test
        advanced unmanned systems; Bayanat, part of G42, offers appli-  site in Rwanda and SoftBank team members in Japan. Though the
        cations, services, and components for satellites and aviation in-  companies  don’t  mention  one another in  their respective an-
        cluding surveying, geospatial, and earth observation data analysis   nouncements, the similarities of the trials suggest they may have
        as well as satellite radars. UAVOS is developing the ApusDuo plat-  been working together. HAPS – whether they be airships, balloons,
        form. The company said it will be able to operate in the strato-  or fixed-wing drones – offer a way to provide connectivity to rural
        sphere at an average altitude of 59,000 feet/18 kilometers. The   and unconnected areas from high altitudes without the upfront
        ApsDuo HAPS has a wingspan of 15 m (49.2 ft) and a maximum   costs of cell towers or satellites or the need for specialist receiv-
        take-off weight of 95lb (43kg). For the test flight, Mira had to con-  ers. Mira said it plans to commercialize this technology by 2025.
        struct three temporary runways for takeoff and landing, using arti-  Its platforms will be able to provide services in connectivity, Earth
        ficial grass. Though the company said it was the “world’s first” suc-  observation, weather, security, and emergency disaster manage-
        cessful delivery of 5G connectivity from a fixed-wing HAPS (high   ment. A successful platform high-altitude test flight was conduct-
        altitude pseudo satellite) autonomous aircraft in the stratosphere,   ed over the summer. Other players in the HAPS space include BAE,
        SoftBank conducted its own successful 5G connectivity trial from   Airbus, Avealto, Stratospheric Platforms, and Sceye.
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