Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 82


        Senegal’s First Satellite Launch Planned for This Year

        According to  a  number  of press  reports,
        Senegal is now preparing for the launch of
        its first satellite, initially scheduled for 2021
        and postponed to 2023 due to the Covid-19
        pandemic.  The  Ecofin  news  agency  says
        that late last week the country’s Ministry of
        Higher Education, Research, and Innovation
        (MESRI)  announced  that the satellite
        would be delivered on 10 November.  The
        launch  date will then  be  announced  by
        the government. The construction  of this
        satellite, which will be called GAINDESAT,   Senegal's national space  program called   was finalizing the construction of a space
        results from  a  partnership  agreement   SENSAT,  which aims  to  aid  the country’s   control center in partnership with France's
        signed with the Centre Spatial Universitaire   socio-economic  development  through   Centre  national d'études spatiales  and
        de Montpellier (CSUM). CSUM is a leading   the  design  and operation  of space  tools.   aerospace company ArianeGroup. The
        European  center  dedicated  to bringing   SENSAT  and CSUM  will  partner with  the   center will be used to prepare the satellite
        together  resources and skills  in the   digital platform RIDE!space to integrate the   for launch. With the help  of GAINDESAT
        engineering, production, operation, testing   satellite into Vigoride,  an  orbital transfer   Senegal  aims  to  enhance  its  ability  to
        and application of nanosatellites. It offered   vehicle  (OTV) supplied  by  Momentus,  a   address critical challenges such as disaster
        its assistance to the Senegalese engineers   company  that  offers space infrastructure   management and agricultural productivity
        and technicians who built GAINDESAT. This   and transportation services. Last May the   by  harnessing  the potential of satellite
        initiative is part of the implementation of   Senegalese government announced that it   technology and artificial intelligence.

        Starlink’s Satellite Broadband Service Coming to 4G Smartphones in 2025

        The  Elon  Musk-founded  firm  operates  a   Peter Kibutu, advanced technology lead at   operator’s 5G NTN networks.” Shipping
        constellation of over 3,000 satellites in low-  satellite  consultancy  TTP,  said:  “Starlink   firm  Maersk  has  also  announced  that
        Earth  orbit  that  can provide a  broadband   continues  to set ambitious targets for   more than 330 of its container vessels will
        data service to devices across the globe,   its  satellite  network; however,  its  plans   have Starlink’s traditional service installed,
        including  in areas that aren’t served   to deliver a direct-to-cell  service  require   enabling high-speed internet with speeds
        by  traditional radio towers. The newly-  scrutiny.  Offering connectivity  supported   over 200Mbps.  The agreement  follows
        announced ‘Direct to Cell’ satellite phone   by  unmodified  4G  handsets  might  only   a pilot scheme  where crew members  on
        service will launch next year ahead of plans   result in  low-bandwidth  data  and voice   more than 30 Maersk  vessels had the
        to  make  it  compatible with  current 4G   services, falling short of contemporary data   opportunity to test the technology. Besides
        handsets by 2025. Direct to Cell satellites   demands  and user experience.  “Starlink   benefits  such  as  allowing  crew  members
        will  initially  be  launched  on Falcon 9   has made it  clear  that  it  will  continue  to   to keep in touch with family through video
        rockets flown by SpaceX,  which is also   use its own proprietary technology, which,   calls  and other forms of communication,
        owned  by  Elon Musk,  and then  Starship,   while providing it  with speed  to market,   the firm said it would facilitate cost-saving
        its  upcoming super heavy  lift  launch   could present roadblocks in years to come   measures by moving certain applications
        vehicle. Once in  orbit, the satellites will   as it struggles to support high-performance   into the  cloud  and improving  support
        connect over laser backhaul to the Starlink   connectivity  services and use cases  that   for remote inspections  of the  vessels.
        constellation to provide global connectivity.   will be readily available via other satellite   Leonardo Sonzio,  Maersk’s  head of fleet
                                                                                 management,  said: “We are excited  to
                                                                                 announce  our  journey with Starlink to
                                                                                 provide state-of-the-art  connectivity  to
                                                                                 our sea-going colleagues. The highspeed
                                                                                 connectivity  will enable  our  seagoing
                                                                                 colleagues  to  stay  connected  with  their
                                                                                 loved ones while at sea. It will also propel
                                                                                 the expansion of seamless cloud solutions,
                                                                                 enabling  our  vision to digitize our  vessel

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