Page 3 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        Evolving Technology, Collaboration, and Revenue Landscape

        The past  two  months have vividly  shown   and other factors, now the focus  is very
        that digitalization is now in fast  gear, and   much on sustainability.  In  fact, this  is  so
        that advancements across four key fronts   much so  that  almost  every  aspect of  the
        are truly driving the future of the ICT industry   Industry, ranging from operations to power
        and those that depend on it.          consumption, from customer experience to
        Given digitalization is  made  possible   spectrum allocation, is being assessed from
        fundamentally by connectivity, there four key   the sustainability perspective. Our evolution
        breakthroughs that we need to account for   toward 5G and advancements taking place
        when assessing the pace of digitalization:  in  5G  toward  5G-Advanced and, by  2030,
                                              to  6G,  are  to  be credited for creating this
        Regulatory adaptation: Various regulators,   focus  on sustainability.  Again, various
        with  which SAMENA  Council  is  closely   Members of SAMENA Council, including stc,
        engaged,  are attaining the G5 Regulation   Zain, e&, Omantel, Mobily, Nokia, Huawei,
        classification.  NTRA  Egypt  is  the  most   to  name  a  few  outstanding  examples, are
        recent  one  in the SA-ME-NA region  to be   helping  to build  sustainable  technologies
        recognized in this regard. Earlier, it was CST   and approaches as well as technologies for   Bocar A. BA
                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer
        Saudi Arabia.                         sustainability.  Moreover,  SAMENA  Council,   & Board Member
                                              in alignment  with  its  Members,  and other   SAMENA Telecommunications
        Technology evolution: 5G Advanced or 5.5G   industry players, has been highlighting the   Council
        is now a reality. 5.5G represents a milestone   need  for greening  ICTs  in the region,  with
        on the path to a smarter, better-connected   latest such  effort scheduled  to be  made
        world. 5.5G  will  truly help accelerate IoT,   during COP28.               These  evolving dynamics --  when
        and as  I  mentioned during  MBBF  2023,  it                                combined  with  rising cybersecurity
        would help us meet the challenge of the   Uniting  against digital divides:  SAMENA   requirement,  as  recently  discussed
        connecting  the  unconnected.  To add,  with   Council, in collaboration with leading global   at  GCF  2023, or  as  what  the Internet
        ITU framework being put in place for 6G and   stakeholder  and regional  bodies, is  fast   Society is  aiming  to  achieve  in  global
        may surface  during  WRC-23, we can rest   moving toward developing and implementing   routing  security  through  the MANRS
        assured that 3D technology and metaverse   a universal broadband  funding  framework,   initiative – are  making  tremendous
        revolution is right on the horizon. The efforts   aimed to unlock  new capital for funding   impact on how digital future is  being
        of SAMENA Council's Members, especially   connectivity,  with  pilot implementation to   created, and how digital progress would
        Huawei and Nokia, which are doing extensive   prospectively start from Africa. This is so,   be made over the next 6 years.
        work to help Operators make the most of 5G   because  Africa represents  the greatest
        investments and optimize 5G infrastructure   portion of the world’s population still-not-  We can look forward to a great digital
        to deliver exceptional use-cases.     catered to  by  broadband  connectivity.  As   future ahead. However,  some fronts
                                              digital technologies evolve, we risk creating   require  extensive  collaboration,
        Strategy evolution:  Where up until  recent   even more divides if  basic connectivity at   innovative planning,  and sustained
        years, our Industry  was  focused  on   reasonable network quality is not brought to   momentum  in  achieving  new
        optimizing  network performance  only, and   those still-unconnected.       milestones.
        sometimes  at the  cost  of environment

                                                                                             3   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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