Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 76


        European Commission Allows Mobile Network Setup Inside Aircraft

        Passengers  traveling  inside  the  European
        Union will  be able  to use their  mobile
        phones to the maximum of their capacity
        and features, just like with a ground-based
        5G  mobile  network. After a  decision  by
        the European Commission, airlines will be
        able  to provide  the  latest  5G  technology
        on their planes, alongside previous mobile
        technology  generations.    Thierry  Breton,
        Commissioner  for the  Internal  market,
        said  “5G  will  enable  innovative  services
        for  people  and growth opportunities  for
        European companies. The sky is no longer
        a  limit  when  it  comes to possibilities
        offered  by  super-fast,  high-capacity
        connectivity.” Since 2008, the Commission’s
        implementing decision has reserved certain
        frequencies  for  mobile communications
        on planes,  allowing airlines  to provide   users  and  route calls,  texts,  and  data,   Metaverse  applications.  According  to the
        messaging, phone calls and data services   typically  via  a  satellite  network,  between   amendment of the implementing decision,
        to passengers flying in the EU. This update   the airplane and the ground-based mobile   the  Member States  shall  make the  5GHz
        of the Commission implementing decision   network. The Commission also amended an   frequency bands  available for use  aboard
        on mobile communications  on-board   implementing decision on 5GHz frequency   road  vehicles  as  early  as  possible  and  at
        aircraft paves the way for the wide-spread   bands,  which makes  the  bands  available   the latest by 30 June 2023. The question
        deployment of 5G services. The service is   for Wi-Fi in road transport, for example in   remains  whether airlines  are eager to
        provided within  the  cabin of an equipped   cars and buses.  The  amending  decision   bring  this  technology  on  board.  And  that
        aircraft using  special  network equipment,   lays  the  foundation  for innovations  in  the   passengers  are  willing  to  pay  the  (high?)
        the  so-called  ‘pico-cell’,  to connect  the   automotive  industry  and  potentially  for   cost price for data.

        Balitower Taps Nokia to modernize Its IP Network And Enable 5G Services

        Nokia  Indonesia  has  revealed  that  as part of a three-year nationwide project.   base. In short, Nokia will supply Balitower
        telecoms tower and network infrastructure   It is understood the initiative will allow the   with routers providing a nationwide network,
        provider Bali Towerindo Sentra (Balitower)   infrastructure provider to increase network   including the 7210 Service Access System
        will use Nokia’s mobile transport solutions   capacity and  reliability  and  to deliver   (SAS) and 7250 Interconnect Router (IXR)
        and  services  to modernize  its  IP  network   expanded  5G services for  its  customer   with integrated Global Navigation Satellite
                                                                                 System  (GNSS)  receivers  enabling  highly
                                                                                 accurate  synchronization.  In addition,
                                                                                 the  Finnish  vendor will  supply Balitower
                                                                                 with its Network Services Platform (NSP),
                                                                                 as  well  as  consultancy and  services  for
                                                                                 network design  and  deployment.  ‘We  are
                                                                                 committed to providing  experience  to our
                                                                                 customers and  this  project  is  a  crucial
                                                                                 step in this direction. We are already using
                                                                                 Nokia solutions, and we are confident that
                                                                                 Nokia’s solutions and proven expertise will
                                                                                 help us improve network capacity as well
                                                                                 as prepare the network for 5G use cases,’
                                                                                 Jap  Owen  Ronadhi,  president  director of
                                                                                 Balitower is cited as saying.

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