Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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        addressed by one person, organization or   Qatar  was  awarded  the  OIC-CERT  Global   development  in OIC-related  countries  in
        nation alone. Huawei is ready to contribute   Cybersecurity Award 2022  recognizing  its   the  future”.  The  Award is  an  initiative by
        our know-how and collaborate in an open,   efforts  in  cybersecurity  excellence. Yang   the  OIC-CERT to encourage international
        transparent  and collaborative platform   Ming,  Head  of Cybersecurity at  Huawei   collaboration in the cybersecurity domain.
        with all cyberspace stakeholders to ensure   Middle East, said “the award is a testament   It  recognizes  innovative  cybersecurity
        end-to-end  cybersecurity  that  will  be   by  OIC-CERT  to Huawei's  contribution   projects from around the world, not bound
        critical  to  realizing  our vision  of  building   in  cybersecurity  innovation.  Huawei  by  country  or region  that  contribute  to
        a fully connected, intelligent  world.  OIC-  has  always  taken  cybersecurity as  the   uplifting the OIC community welfare while
        CERT held  its  Global  Awarding  Ceremony   company’s  top  priority  and  will  continue   promoting the digital realm.
        on the sidelines of the event, where Huawei   to be  a  key  contributor to cybersecurity

        Huawei and Tianjin Port Jointly Built a Driverless, Zero-Carbon “Vehicle-

        Cloud Synergy” Horizontal Transportation Solution

        Huawei and Tianjin Port have jointly collaborated on a driverless,
        zero-carbon  "vehicle-cloud synergy" horizontal  transportation
        solution.  Huawei  built  an  intelligent  horizontal  transport  system
        at  the  terminal  of Section  C  in  the  Beijiang  Port  Area  of Tianjin
        Port.  The  project has  achieved Level  4  autonomous  driving,
        enabling  76  Intelligent  Guided  Vehicles  (IGVs)  in  a  fleet  to
        collaborate  efficiently.  Huawei  used  cloud-based  centralized
        dispatching  to  increase  port-wide  efficiency.  As  hubs  of  global
        supply chains, ports play a critical role in promoting international
        trade.  Traditional  ports  rely  on  humans  to  operate  container
        cranes  working under  harsh  working  environments,  are  labor
        intensive and suffer from workforce shortages. These challenges
        hinder  the  rapid  development  of global  sea  transportation.
        Therefore, port  automation and intelligent  reconstruction have
        emerged  as  the  industry's  overarching  goals.  Ports  worldwide
        are going through a process of automation driven  by the  latest
        technologies  like 5G, Cloud, and AI. A typical port deals  with   service systems  such as  TOS, Huawei's intelligent  horizontal
        vessel  arrivals  and  departures,  shore-side  operations,  horizontal   transport  system can quickly interconnect with  other peripheral
        transport, yard operations,  manual  tractor-trailer  transport, and   service systems.  With  Huawei's  intelligent  charging  dispatching
        gate  operations.  One  of  the  key  steps  in  port  digitalization  is   algorithm, IGVs are charged at the best possible time, preventing
        automating horizontal  transport  that  handles  cargo within  the   interruptions  to  fleet  services.  Using  Huawei's  intelligent
        port.  Currently, conventional  horizontal  transport  faces  three   intersection dispatching algorithm, ports can preset intersection
        major challenges:  harsh  working environments,  safety  risks  due   traffic policies to ensure proper access by manual tractor-trailers
        to  driver  fatigue,  and  inefficient  manual  dispatching.  Huawei's   and  autonomous  trucks.  The  fifth  advantage  is  cloud-vehicle
        intelligent  horizontal  transport  system  has  five  key  advantages.   decoupling. Huawei decouples the cloud from vehicles through an
        First, it offers global path planning. Huawei has designed a global   open ecosystem. As a result, the solution can support a wide range
        path  planning  algorithm based on vehicle  kinematics,  which   of intelligent driving vehicle models, making it more cost-effective
        ensures that individual vehicles stay on their path. The algorithm   and easier to promote. In the event of an IGV fault, an operator
        enables multiple IGVs to make turns smoothly, whether traveling   can remotely take over operations. The service takeover rate for
        in one or both directions. This is the key to safe and efficient multi-  a regular autonomous  driving solution  is  about 5% to 6%. For
        vehicle cooperation. The solution also features dynamic short path   Huawei's solution, it's less than 0.1%, ensuring safer operations.
        planning  on the  cloud, responding  to many terminal  operations   IGVs rely on 5G networks. Huawei performs dynamic short-path
        and  adjusting  tasks  in  real  time.  The  second  advantage  is  its   planning  to ensure  that  IGV paths  never cross  each other.  This
        high-precision  positioning.  Huawei  uses  BeiDou,  5G,  HD  maps,   prevents collisions even if the network is abruptly disconnected.
        and  roadside  sensing  assistance  to assure  high-precision  lane-  Intelligent, horizontal transport must meet three conditions. More
        level  positioning.  As a result,  90%  of quay cranes  successfully   than five operation lines must function simultaneously to support
        align on the first try, significantly improving operational efficiency.   large  vessels,  while  the  system  should  be  able  to  also  manage
        Third, Huawei developed  the  MDC intelligent  driving platform.   large-scale  fleets.  Furthermore,  it  must  support  dispatching  in
        The  upgraded  Huawei MDC  offers  automotive-grade  assurance,   complex  port  scenarios.  Section  C  terminal  in  the  Beijiang  Port
        including  ultimate  computing power and  long  service life.  It   Area of Tianjin Port is the first smart terminal of its kind to deploy
        also  simplifies  O&M  by  providing  standardized  hardware.  The   an  intelligent  horizontal  transport  system  that  performs  large-
        fourth  advantage  is  core  system  integration.  In  addition  to core   scale, normalized operations.

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