Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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have the opportunity to support the new Africa Submarine Cable System) and ACE • Sudani is pioneer in Mobile Financial
government in shaping the national ICT (Africa Coast to Europe submarine cable). Services and launched mobile money
strategy and influence it in the favor of Finally, following our group strategy, we are services since 2013 under brand name
sector and its contribution to the overall looking forward to expand our presence Gorooshi where its a Sudanese well-
economy and society. We are expecting in other African countries leveraging known word in local language mean
and demanding a trendy ICT national on our extended expertise and financial my money so this will play a vital
strategy focusing by large on the digital capabilities. role in transformation and to achieve
inclusion similar to most of the African economic inclusion in Sudan as there
countries. Q. What are Sudan’s ICT development almost more the 90% are unbanked
plans for the next decade? and out of banking system. Therefore,
Operators and regulators through its services Gorooshi and a
are key components of A. In today’s world, information and big base of mobile subscribers Sudani
the ICT sector obviously communication technologies (ICT) have a will switch all of those to benefit from
financial services and then achieve
profound effect on most socio economic,
with different missions political and cultural aspects of society; financial inclusion.
but a common objective of they have become indispensable tools in the • As the leadership and vision towards
implementation of national development
the community, Sudani ahead compared
taking this sector forward plans in many countries, supporting their to its competitors. Owned the main
and ensure its role in efforts to secure the welfare and prosperity gateways of telecommunications and
developing and protecting of their citizens. Yet, the prevalence of vast of internet bandwidth where allow
it to provides Applications solutions in
digital divisions worldwide hinders the
the whole nation so the application of ICT capabilities in areas vital many areas such as Apps government
co-operation should be for development, such as e-government solutions, entertainments, health,
education and financial services.
, smart cites , agriculture, health and
a natural attitude in the education, impeding progress towards
relationship. the achievement of an inclusive digital In this area of Apps and contents solutions
society so Sudani as a big player in Telco also Sudani vision is to build more
sector with a huge infrastructures will partnerships with entrepreneurships
Q. What are Sudatel’s investment and participate in three main streams towards and startups to speed up the creation,
infrastructure development goals for ICT development: development and ideas of new solutions
Africa? that enrich societies life with amazing
• Through its state of Art Data Center and easy use applications benefiting
A. The potential for telecom investment Sudani will lead the development in from it’s infrastructure and experience in
and growth across Africa is exceptionally areas of Cloud Computing, IoT, AI, Big telecommunications.
positive, compared to other regions, which Data , Blockchain Machine Learning etc.
are almost saturated. also Sudani will be a main facilitator Sudani improves customers experience
and incubator for the E-government with the values that added from solutions
No doubt, ICT, Information & Communication applications in Sudan as it have End2End provided over the experiences of
Technology has a major contribution in solutions to support in achieving this knowledge and expertise working in these
supporting the achievement of the 17 SDG strategic goal for the government. field years ago.
goals (Sustainable Development Goals).
The telecom industry, through its diversity
of services, Fixed, Wireless, and Broadband
is playing a fundamental role in reducing
poverty, improving healthcare and
education, moreover driving sustainable
economic growth…, which are all crucial
need for many African countries.
As a result, Sudatel group grounded on its
long-term strategy had invested heavily
in many Africans countries, Chinguitel
in Mauritania, Expresso in Senegal and
Sudani in Sudan. The investment was
diversified covering the Fixed, Mobile in
addition to submarine cables. Sudatel is
a major investor in EASSy (The Eastern